Blizzard, can we please slow down? Please?

That would hold true if the majority cleared all that there is.

That isn’t an apt comparison. At level 100, you can 1 shot everything in MC. This is Classic we are discussing, to do MC, you should be lvl 60, and that is the lvl cap. As I also said, people will role alts, and there will also be late starters. There will be people to do things with months from now that have already been farmed to death by the rushers.

Stacking gear/materials, being able to farm content while its relative for all (i.e. farming Jed w/o paying because others still need Rend). Once more content becomes available its starts to devalue the current content, sometimes to extreme points.

Before P2, people had the option to farm gold or level alts without feeling left out in honor, that’s gone now. Soon, those going for legendaries from MC will have a tougher time (not impossible) getting those groups together. Considering its the current content those groups fill up quickly, a small change but one that will be noticeable.

You are not level 60. This in no way means that the majority are not level 60. A month ago, when I hit 60, most players were not 60. Today when I log in, I’ll see a majority of level 60 players, and the majority of non-60s that I see will be alts of 60s. I know this because of guild names. I know this because I do this.

Most people are 60. Most people want BGs now that there’s an honor system with honor rewards. Stop being upset that other players will get to have something to do.

It holds true just based on the trend blizzard has established so far. It doesn’t matter if people haven’t cleared everything. Content updates have some something for people who aren’t even level 60 yet. People do lose interest if new stuff isn’t coming out, even if they haven’t cleared everything yet.

August 13th <— 2 million+ subs gained
Dire Maul release - Oct 15
Phase 2 release - Nov 12
BG release - Dec 10
Next content release? - Jan 14 (my estimate)

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You don’t actually expect blizz to delay content until everyone farms MC enough for their legendaries do you??


This makes sense.

People way overstate the time and work involved in hitting 60.

I’m not Chad, rich, nor cheeky. What I am is a 51 year old guy who took 2 months to slowly level. Like, super slow. I spent whole sessions fishing and just wandering around, because I didn’t feel like fighting for mobs.

I didn’t no life it either. But, I don’t like raids, and I’m my guild’s only 60. What I love most is BG’s, and I’ve been waiting since Day 1 for them.

Why do I have to stand with my hands in my pockets because of your life choices? You know why I have time to be 60, among other things? Because WoW is what I do instead of watching TV. I only play one game at a time.

And, you know what? I have zero BiS, or Pre-BiS, and don’t care. I’m not certain why you ever thought you could expect to be on an equal level to those who have more time for this hobby than you.

Part of this old school experience was not being geared compared to others, and having to fight your way to being on a level with people who had 10 times your time played. It’s not even that some people did a no-life speed run to 60 and MC. It’s that, just as in Vanilla and ever after, some people will have started sooner, leveled and geared faster. WoW was never an equal playing field.

Seriously - this is like in grade school, when I’d get scolded for finishing the reading assignment in 5 minutes, and read the rest of the textbook waiting for the slow kids to finish.

And, yeah, I have obligations on my time just like you, it’s just - this is my leisure time activity.


2.5 hours a day isn’t a lot of time, you know. You likely spend more time than that, daily, talking on or staring at your phone, not to mention TV time.

Play every day or be left behind, ok

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raid log makes me really considering if i even want to keep the sub…

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that’s how life works, you know. If you don’t do something, you fall behind the people doing it.

Are you seriously saying I need to wait around for people that play 3 hours a week? Seems pretty selfish an attitude itself, dude.

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I’d like to point out that the leaving casuals behind mentality is absolutely not a retail thing. Many of the changes Blizzard has made to retail are aimed at allowing casuals to be able to access essentially all content. Vanilla wow had always been the most restrictive towards casuals with them almost never being able to catch up or even step into most raids.

So essentially we no life rushers are just trying our best to give you an authentic classic wow experience.


You only want the phases to last longer so you can hop onto the pvp gankfest bandwagon.

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You realize people are going to be doing dungeons, MC, and Ony for all of classics lifespan right? Dont feel like youre behind, because honestly youre lucky in a way. You will always have something to
Strive towards. dungeon gear, gold, pvp, raiding. While people who are playing this game seriously are feeling bored other than raid day and world pvp. Dont hold the rest of the community back because youre going to be slightly under geared. If anything you will gear more quickly due to people not needing certain peices and will pass it on yo you. Both types of players can enjoy this tempo of phases.

I wouldn’t worry too much about pre raid bis anymore. Any solid guild has mc/ ony on farm and can carry you. Just show up and learn the fights and profit eventually once people are geared up.

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Who has this information? Not us. Only blizzard does. With that said, I can only assume thats exactly what they will do.

So you knew for the past 2-1/2 months about the faction imbalance and you didnt re roll or xfer so you felt the need to make a video complaining… and using the ISPY addon…


Bro i don’t know if you had a fridge dropped on your head when you were young or you just rolled Horde but that isn’t me in the video.

You weren’t wise enough to understand exactly where rolling on PvP server would leave you? If Blizzard wasn’t bringing in Phase 3, you’d still be getting nowhere. You see, the “no-lifers” would have nothing better to do than sit there with their L60s and kill everybody who tries to level (their main complaint seems to be that they’re running out of people to do that to). Whenever Phase 3 came, you’d have the exact same problem – you’re behind because the people that got there ahead of you have the power to keep you from progressing.