Blizzard can code 1.5 AV right now

I am still in semi-meltdown, so “yes”. Between this and the lackadaisical wishy washy “wait and see” if RPPVP realms are in demand. Yeah, it is pretty much deserved lashing.
Change my mind.

“No changes! Rah Rah Rah!”

“Well, except this little tinsy change here, oh and this one over there, oh oh and that too”.

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Well, I’m of the mind that doing what you’re doing is actually hurting our chances of coming to a compromise with Blizzard on this AV situation.

We have begged for classic for over a decade. Now we have to beg them to make AV less like the retail version and beg to get what we had thought was an obvious given in RPPVP servers. We have to beg to not have sharding and beg to not get loot trading. What’s next, begging to not have CRBGs?

I would love to be calm about this, but perhaps these horrible decisions hit way too close to home and they are adding up.


So, let me get this straight…

You guys have been screaming that any change or deviation from vanilla is heresy, and now you want them to change a certain aspect of the game to fit your play style?

I told you guys a year ago, you are gonna be sorely disappointed with classic, and you people attacked me for it. I’m enjoying the gnashing of teeth right now.

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Yeah, I’d be prepared to come up with a compromise for this as well. I’d also suggest people be prepared to have the 1.12 threat system.

I still think my idea of having cRBG’s disabled on all realms until queue times hit a certain threshold, at which point all realms with similar queue times will pool together to form groups until the queue times get back down to a more reasonable level, is a good compromise.

You can ask them to completely remove something and then list some compromises you would be willing to accept if the removal of those features is not something Blizzard is willing to entertain.

Someone here that actually understands copyright laws :slight_smile:

Dude, I keep telling them Classic isn’t meant to be a proper game release too, and they keep ignoring me even though Blizzard themselves have VERY heavily hinted at this for ages.

1.5 is vanilla troll boy.

the whole classic experience we are getting is a Frankenstein’s monster already. It already isn’t pure 1.12 we’re getting.

This is the general response from those of you that either don’t care if its AV 1.12, never played it to know the difference, or are literally here JUST to troll the progress and the true fan base.


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Yes, I fully expect Cross-server BGs at this point :frowning:

So there are people who are indifferent, and people who prefer 1.5-1.8, but none who prefer 1.12? That’s consistent with my reading of the thread, but I sure hope Blizzard realizes that too.

There’s a difference between being negative about Blizzard and being vitriolic. You seem to be of the belief that Blizzard as a company is best at ruining things and that you hold little to no trust in the company whatsoever. If I am wrong then please correct me, this is just observatory beliefs from some of your comments.

Here’s my problem. If you really do not trust Blizzard at all then why are you here? If you are certain that they will screw over Classic then why complain about it going to be screwed over while believing that they will either way?

I don’t trust Blizzard very much at all. For example, this is my last chance with them, if sharding remains after the initial start and is a regular thing THEN I WILL NEVER PLAY OR BUY A BLIZZARD ANYTHING EVER AGAIN. This coming from someone who reasoned nearly every move they made, played every single expansion and supported them believing they’d eventually fix things till BfA broke this camel’s back.

I will argue for Blizzard to do the right thing but I will hold hopes that they will stick to their word, if not then why am I here? Why should I waste my time on a game I would believe Blizzard guaranteed to screw up?

Being here, talking about this stuff, it all says that you have some hope that they will do it right even if not fully right but right enough to make it viable.

And lets be honest here. 1.12 AV was experienced by far more vanilla players than 1.5. Blizzard wanted to focus on what was considered to be classic by the largest sum of vanilla players. Many players likely never played 1.5AV while having been on during vanilla and might not even like it and not feel like it is representative of Vanilla WoW.

Are you going to put up points or ad hominem like a child? 18 posts, troll much?

1.12 was also the decline of AV and was mostly part of the game getting ready for TBC where all the content was made easier for those who were behind to catch up.

I have seen VERY few people who actually played earlier versions say they didn’t like it. Those that do are using the same practices that got us the current version of WoW and very similarly the same type of AV exists in retail.

Wanting a version of AV that is different feeling than the retail version is pro-vanilla. ANyOnE coming on this forum to argue against it either doesn’t know better, or wants the lazy way out.

True vanilla players that will make it to 60 want the game to be hard and slow paced again. Those of you that want it easy can just go play retail and probably will.

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FINALLY A GOOD ARGUMENT. . . And you know what? I agree with you. I do feel like it, now that I recall as it has been way too freaking long, aligns with what you’ve said. My main issue in the 1.5 vs 1.12 is that the arguments for 1.5 have been really bad.

Let me improve this.
“Coming in defending their choice of 1.12 is defending Blizzard’s choice to rush this out haphazardly. We want Classic Vanilla, 1.5, the original and no longer attainable form of AV in the current standing was part of vanilla experience. To argue against that is to argue against retaking the full vanilla experience.”

Let me do the same.
"Vanilla was in many ways about being slow paced and increased difficulty through various means. 1.5 AV is by large a much greater example of what Vanilla Warcraft is.

You could argue that we can just turtle in 1.12 AV, but will people do that? Because that is literally the same argument made by pro-flying people against anti-flying! So by making that argument you are, to some degree, agreeing with flying."

Your post plus my alterations have legitimately convinced me to want 1.5 over giving in to 1.12.

THIS should be a thread starter, not weak arguments.

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It isn’t even that wound up when you read it. How bad does your reading comprehension have to be to somehow take that tone of as one of emotion?

It’s straight honesty, Blizzard has shown that they are not good at determining what is in the best interest for WoW. While I’m not saying a bunch of random forum users are the ideal candidates either, some of us definitely have a better handle on why the game was good and what made it good.

If you want valid advice on what makes classic strong and what to focus on, you’re much better off just focusing on the people who went out of their way to either emulate, or play it for the past decade. People who began playing the game in Cataclysm or later have zero idea what they’re talking about. The current Blizzard being the people who gave us the current game have no idea what they’re doing either.

You’ll hurt a lot less feelings if you just try to make it an authentic experience and quit trying to pick things you think worked better and trying to ram them together, at this current rate they’re doing a good job of alienating the people playing for niche things like old AV. By constantly paying lip service to the idea of tweaking the experience to be more welcoming they’ve already got THE TARGET AUDIENCE with a hand on the door, and the people who want the things that will alienate the other two groups likely aren’t going to be seeing BWL before quitting.


Sure it is, it existed during Vanilla. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it untrue to Vanilla/Classic. That’s a fact, whether you like that fact is of little consequence.

I am pretty sure they didn’t say they have only the 1.12 code. They said 1.12 felt the most complete so that is what they are going with. They have at least 1.08.

This is BS. Companies don’t throw out code they need to hold it in case their changes don’t work I.e. rollback.

PS have content from 1.5 etc. where did they get the models etc?

Also why is 1.12 the most complete? Most vets know this is also BS.

Vanilla peak was around 1.6-1.10.