Blizzard can code 1.5 AV right now

Be quiet Olallagala, all you do is go to everyone of these forums and knock the majority opinion.

Aka troll

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You’ve quoted me entirely out of context.

What I said was - I spent a lot of time in the original game. I loved it back then, and I still love it now. If you had have quoted the entirety of my post it would be obvious that the point I was making was that, despite having spent a huge amount of time in the game back then, I personally don’t feel like the 3 things I listed are “ruining the game”.

This was in response to something someone else said and not whatever tangential argument you’re trying to concoct.

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So proving people wrong with evidence is trolling? Wow have times have changed.

P.S. Sorry that you’re wrong bud =D

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Lol who have you proven wrong? Poor little troll… you’ve spend hours to no avail

You’ve convinced no one.

I’ll code it. Give me those values and I’ll input them in. Boom. Done.


You laughed at the guy who said pservers 1.5 AV was inauthentic. It was. Very much so.

Vanilla entails all of classic. A Franken classic is what were already getting…

See you’re losing and you spend hours on here losing. Must suck… loser

I think you’re so far lost on this subject that claiming this as a win would be embarrassing for me. You do you sweetheart

Or, if you understand the corporate Agile development process…

They are limited by budgets, staff, and bandwidth.

You guys keep talking about “path of least resistance” and that’s what they are doing.

It’s a business, they have a deadline and a product to release. Many many many different user stories and use cases to knock out and smoke test.

We’re taking about an entire world retuning and mapping. Private servers didn’t use a legion client and recreate vanilla from it, because they weren’t working with legacy systems. Blizzard is.

Now, I’m a bit confused as to why they can’t build AV 1.5 in, since they’re going to be building a new one anyway. But my guess is, they think 1.12 changes were healthy and necessary for all potential Classic players and not that it would “create too much work”. A case of " you think you do, but you don’t " probably.


You’re so lost you dont even realise that the reason this subject is still being talked about is because people are flocking to the forums in droves protesting it

Doesn’t matter if you post 1000 times if 100 different people come in and cast their vote against you and your 25 lackeys

No, it’s because thanks to Blizzard’s old patching process, a LOT of data specific to the patches before 1.12 is actually lost thanks to being overwritten with new data. 1.5 AV may very well be one such casualty of that process.

I was calling you out on what private servers were you moron I wasn’t talking about classic. That’s why I said you are lost. Holy christ please tell me you don’t have children.

You may not realize that, but the pvp community was huge during Vanilla and many left after 1.12. hit. Vanilla was about server only pvp, you knew who you fought with and against. That made every fight very special and AV, was our open world pvp that kept going for days.

If you remove such an essential part of Vanilla, then this has a similar impact on people, as if you would remove Naxx.

There is a general problem with WOW these days and that is the low acceptance of pvp players goals. I assume you are pure PVE, so you might not fully understand that a game can be played because of it´s pvp. AV was the dust map of WOW, it was the essential part of what made this game so amazing for the pvp community. You can´t just delete that and expect, that people accept that.

Really, just imagine Blizzard would take Naxx from you, would you enjoy that? Would Classic still be Classic for you?


This is it right here. Agile dev methodologies say shortest path to a functional product. Then cycle back at a later date, based on priority, to tune.

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80% of the original AV’s content is missing from 1.12
80% of the original AV’s content is missing from retail AV.

1.12 is not Classic AV.

The inverse of that.

Retail AV is Classic.

Forum troll.

Get a life

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To be honest it seems baffling to me that they wouldn’t have the good version of AV in classic… that said it is pvp im not going to pretend it is a make or break issue just a disappointing one.

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As a BG and not a traditional raid, Ion clearly doesn’t care.

Do you hope to convince Blizzard to change their minds with posts like this? Or have you given up hope that Blizzard may change their minds and now you’re just here to flame them?