So they can change golden for the holy light in the sunwell but not blue for the arcane magic in the sunwell…
Yeah Bliz is big on that stuff. Just like fat humans to try to silence people wanting Vyrkul. And no, the junk about well they have a microscopic amount of Drust/Vyrkul ancestry doesn’t cut it. They don’t look like Vyrkul, move like vyrkul or sound like them.
Dude check the whole quote. I was just relaying the information. I think Blue eyes on Blood Elves would be just fine. Though, imo, not likely to happen if that whole backlash thing is true
Blizzard completely dropped the ball with the creation of void Elves
That’s not true. Horde are just as bad as Alliance with races. Plenty of Horde where saying NB should be alliance or had the same issues you have when people brought up the Alliance getting ‘light forged’ forsaken.
Don’t think your better than others just for picking Horde. The people are the same both sides and it’s very common for people to play both factions.
People don’t just want High Elves because they are Elves. We want them because it makes sense from a lore point of view and they have been one of the more interesting Alliance races (Yes, they are an Alliance race and already in the Alliance, just can’t play as them.) even though they can’t be played. The only reason they where not added was because game play reasons they don’t even matter.
What I said still pertains whether or not that part was cut off. The way you phrased that made it seem like I was trying to hide something to make a point – I wasn’t.
I see it on Hordeside, too? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people complain that they got Nightborne instead of Sethrak or something that made more sense for the Horde.
People don’t tend to complain to remove extra customization options though, as a rule. They’ll complain about what they don’t have, or if something existing is keeping out something they want.
When we get ogres y’all get high Elves.
He wasn’t content with it, he just didn’t have a solution till we stummbled along. Point still stands that we nightelves risked our lives to save the Nightborn and they repayed us by helping the horde genocide us.
The wrong doing is on them not on us.
2 things ive wanted since release, High elves on the Alliance , and LONG HAIR with physics =D available to all toons
Then on classic we see the Horde is more popular so the whole argument that the alliance was more popular in vanilla seems like fake news.
Especially when the Horde has all the important world first kills.
Okay, a bit off topic, but the amount of people who refer to their characters’ fictional races as “we” or “Us” or something along those lines is…surprisingly high on here.
to be fair, lor’themar was probably busy defending quel’thalas from the legion, whereas tyrande was already on the broken isles before the insurrection began.
I hope so too actually, bu its hard to deny that Blizz seems to be focusing on Bloodelves first.
They’re really looking good at least, especially females imo.
If Blizz puts that same focus on other races I can only imagine how much better they’d look. If they let orcs get a Horde insignia tattoo, or a tattoo of one of the fourteen Draenor clans, just that would make them so much cooler.
Some already have.
Giving the Void Elves the “Alleria” Treatment, however might fix some of the damage and bring back some of the Helf fans who went Horde. idk. Honestly, I think they should just get rid of the faction restrictions, and allow Horde and Alliance to group up for PvE questing and instances. Even if they never allow them to join each others’ guilds. Doing this, at the same time as giving Belfs blue eyes, might be ok. Giving Blue eyes to Belfs without either of the 2 other things I mentioned might be the nail in the coffin for the Alliance.
Treading carefully here but I am still hopeful that some day my Belf will be able to sport blue eyes. AND that my Velf will have the more natural skin tones, blonde hair, tattoo options like Alleria. I’m still in the camp of more cosmetic options for everyone! I’d still play both factions. I get not trying to tick off one side over the other with the blue eyes. Why isn’t “both!” a viable plan to appease both sides of the HE debate? If Velfs got the customization looks of the HE would the race name and going blue in battle really make or break things?
LOL part of the reason I want the HE customization options for my Velfs is mog related. I want them to look good in warm tones too not just the cool end of the color palette. Silly I know.
The highborne model is being added to night elves in shadowlands.
Possibly to depict the return of the highborne from cata
I want to be very clear:
Alliance players want the High Elves in Dalaran to be playable; the ones that didn’t rejoin Quel’thalas following Arthas’ rampage.
We don’t deny that Blood Elves are High Elves. We don’t want your High Elves. We want the High Elves that were never Blood Elves and stuck with the Alliance. We want a very specific political faction of High Elves. We do not believe that getting them would stop you from also having High Elves in the form of Blood Elves.
Giving Blood Elves blue eyes will not end the debate, it will not magically prove that the Alliance can’t have High Elves, and it will only spark more argument.
Nothing good can come of it and it will not fix the problems that you think it will.
Has this been confirmed?
I am actually glad this did this. The old Classic High Elf model looked like a shorter version of the Nelf with the blonde/blue coloration. If people make a Nelf with that coloration and simply drink a Darkmoon Fair Elixir to shrink the toon down, it would pass.
This does not show different eye colors, but it does show new hair and skin colors.