Blizzard being scared to just give blood elves blue eye option

The joining itself wasn’t the retcon, but it lead to severeal retcons to try and push the square block to fit into the circle. like trying to claim they were never part of the alliance after the 2nd war, which is not what we were told in WC3.

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(Commentary): Yes, that does fit in with what we know of Wretched. Magic addicted elves. Typically when, ‘Magic,’ is brought up it refers to arcane magic specifically. I’m not seeing anything here that disproves the fact that when Thalassian elves consume too much arcane magic, that they turn into Wretched. It’s specifically arcane magic, since that is what they’re addicted to.

their heritage gear is so skimpy, horde players already call it a streetwalker mog. compare that to the wonderful heritage set blood elves got. considering velfs are just blue blood elves, the implication is that becoming an alliance elf suddenly changes you into a psycho streetwalker with a tentacle fetish, downgraded from a regal blood elf on the horde. haha

oh dont get me started.


Them being there during WC3 is still in the lore. It wasn’t erased. Neither was the way that they were pushed out.

I want to point out they never said no. So quote correctly.

Not erased but changed. They tried to undermine it. Theres severeal other things that were changed too, like King Sunstrider being there during Arthas’s march for a dramatic final stand where he almost got the better of Arthas (He wasn’t even seen in wc3 atall). Or he bloodelvs being betrayed by Dar’Khan Drathir who let Arthas into Quel’Thalas (Again, thats not actually what happened in WC3)

Look, I’m going to state a fact but dont over think what I’m saying.

They where not a part of the Alliance we play in wc2.

They do have members part of it now though.

Ion Hazzikostas said no.

He also said no on another occasion too, but hey stay delusional.


Being there yes, but they suposedly now left the alliance and were not part of the allaince after the second war, which was not the case in warcraft 3 as they were proudly part of the alliance and the first cracks didn’t show untill Garithos. It was a retcon.

That’s not true, High elf archers and rangers were units during Warcract 2, and Alleria herself was a hero unit. They were a big part of warcraft 2 story as part of the alliance. And again in warcraft 3, elf units made up a good 30-40% of the alliance units (blood mage, hawk riders, sorceress, priest, spellbraker)

No, that was the alliance of Lorderon. That’s what I’m saying.

Re watch that, he does not say no. He says sorry.

Then follows it up with anything can happen in the future. But thank you for trying to share bad information.

Just like how you jumped the bandwagon the second you saw blue eyes thinking they where for bloodelfs.

Never assume anything datamind is a fact. Never assume that something cant happen. It’s a game constantly changing ideas being shifted around.

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Stormwind was part of the alliance of Lorderon… A few members have changed since then but ‘the alliance’ is ‘the alliance’ If you use the same name, with the same members and the same banner, you don’t get to pretend your something new.

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(Humor): Unless you’re the Horde.

They don’t use the same banner? What also this is the High Alliance. The members are very different while the alliance of lorderon was mostly humans and the wild hammer dwarfs with the silvermoon high elfs. This alliance is 3 nations of humans now 1 being a nation of refugees now apposed to like 5 or 6.

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there was going to be blue-eyes but the forums went in a massive mental breakdown with people saying they would cancel subs, fighting between the two groups and blizzard back off saying it was just going to be NPC options.

But there is blood elves with blue eyes, and mages who exclusively use arcane, or blood elves who don’t follow much the light, would also have blue eyes

It is in the thalassian elf lore that you eye glow change based on the magic you use, both groups of the same race(blood and high elf) use the same font of magic, the sunwell, their eye color would be the same, if one have it, both should have

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Which makes the Sunwell Gold.

So you get gold eyes from the Sunwell because the Sunwell is Gold.

It’s not hard to understand.

and high elves also use the sunwell, so they eyes should also be gold not blue

by this logic blue-eyes are extinct


False lorewise not all of the use it or see they automatically connected to it. See void elfs, and void elf leader. Alleria

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Yeah but they are making it sound like Belves weren’t still in the Alliance at this point. When that’s not reflected at all.

Alleria and void elves are not the same race of high elves and blood elves. they are disconnected of the sunwell by their transformation, high elves and blood elves are all still connected, therefore their eyes should be the same


(Commentary): The blue eyes that were datamined weren’t for Blood Elves to begin with. The data-miner took a closer look at the files and notes that they weren’t for Blood Elves. Funnily enough people dismissed her as a Pro-High Elf hater with an agenda.
