Blizzard Banning Players Exploiting Reputation

If there was no possibility that somebody could have been falsely banned, they wouldn’t be reinvestigating, would they? They would just say “too bad” and close the ticket. The fact that they are taking a second look means the potential they made a mistake exists.

Either way the ban expires today, and I was able to buy a new WoW account using a tiny portion of the 12 million gold I made in first week (hint hint: using that second account constantly on the auction house), level it overnight, and raid with my guild. The only “punishment” was being unable to play on my main for 4 days, which was annoying for sure but hardly meaningful. Hopefully I get this BS ban retroactively removed so it’s not on my account history.

I’m not a AH person but i should be able to make 1 or 2 token Especially in this time with ease.
Oppertunity lost for 4 day is too high, It very annoying

Ban expired as of a few minutes ago but nothing has been rolled back, my rep is the same, and no items were removed, despite everything they said about this. Am I allowed to leave Dornogal? There’s a crest in my bank, am I allowed to use it? What’s the deal now? This isn’t what they said would happen.

not gonna happen. they dont ever do that unless its a false positive.

I am genuinely surprised and shocked that anyone cares about RFW, why should I be interested in someone playing a video game.

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okay the suspends are lifted
but non of the wq in Azj-kahet are not show up and the Pact weekly quest are mark as done
what are you cooking huh?

It’s a violation of TOS to explain to another player (or players) how an exploit works, so it’s unlikely anyone would post that info on the forums.

Mine as well. I sent in a bug report for it to be safe that we don’t get suspended again.

Just in case.

I wasn’t interested to know the how, more interested to know how it was that the exploit itself allowed the double dipping. It was my impression that once you achieved the reputation, only that character earned it for the warband, and if others were logged in but weren’t doing the related content either with the original or separate, than it wasn’t credited to both.

The issue was turning in quests on both accounts for double dipping rewards not just having two accounts

Sure you did. Just the same as your story about not deserving your ban. We see right through you my guy.

Brother, I didn’t have two accounts I could have turned quests in on lmao. I can give you a screenshot of my accounts that show the other one doesn’t have TWW. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

Pretty hilarious to refuse to believe something easily provable. I can give you a screenshot of my TSM logs that show all my sales from the first week of launch. I’ll go ahead and guess you’d refuse to open any screenshots since you’re definitely afraid of being wrong.

Pathetic and laughable. But not wrong from their perspective. They can enforce it as they see fit. And if that means zero-tolerance, then so be it. It might feel unfair. But your story isn’t unique. It is exactly what someone who intentionally exploited would say to deflect responsibility. Should Blizzard just believe everyone who has a “reason” for their actions? Maybe if they don’t have a history. I hope you don’t have a history. Otherwise, your appeal is going nowhere.

So you’re ok with innocent people being punished, as long as all the bad people are punished? You can believe that I’m not innocent, it doesn’t matter. If it’s even plausible that a story like mine could be true, then innocent people could have been banned. If Blizzard can’t accurately sort exploiters from innocents, then they either have to ban nobody to avoid banning innocents, or ban everybody and not care about innocents.

I mean according to a lot of posts, that’s exactly what they did. So… problem solved?


I said there was a way to properly negate the punishment while not making it too easy to get away with bad behavior by using your same excuse. You should probably read my post again. If you’re not willing to do that (seeing as you’re already misinterpreting what I said, I doubt you will go back and read it again), I’ll put it to you this way: if you’ve done nothing wrong and you have never done anything wrong, then that should be a favorable reason to negate the ban. Whatever ideal resolution that is for you

Ok, so banning innocents first and having them wait multiple days for a response from Blizzard to trigger a re-investigation where they continue to wait for a resolution seems reasonable to you? Because even if Blizzard reverses the account action in that case, the innocent person was still punished. They were still banned for multiple days. So innocents were still punished for the sake of making sure all bad people were punished.

Bro you clearly did wrong. Why you are still here crying about it. Move along none of us care who you are.