See, you’re spirit goat.

Not me.

If anyone @SpiritGoat, we know they’re talking to you.


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I barely have any PVP Gear and have been a casual PVP player for over 10 years. It is a Team Game if one team had 6 heals due to being a premade and the other has one heal well… the odds of winning that match the odd’s are stacked against you. Gear isn’t the biggest of problems it is more Team play.

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what you call team play, i call cheating.


yeah i agree. no one wants to play team with premade. i leave suddenly. that is why the issue.

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id trust a mage main to be familiar with cheating…

That just sounds like you’ve been cheated on. Sorry you went through that my bro <3

You will regret this one day whelp

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@taekwonduwu looking for a response to this pls

How many of the other 39 people are actually “friends”? 5 man premades, that’s friends , 25-39 folks is a roflstomp. You can hide behind words but we all know what’s really going on.


Agreed! Isle of Conquest is complete rubbish for Horde. Its not fun anymore, its just painful. Also the population imbalance doesnt help. I would rather play The Strand all day long than put up with Isle of Conquest!!

Just been in a couple random BGs and each time I enter were facing a 5 man premade on comms… our team has a bunch of solos and a couple duos. This game is amazingly awesome.


Had a WSG earlier and we got GY camped by a premade. I simply don’t understand how blizz can absolutely destroy an aspect of this game so badly.


Its always so bad on the weekends, its like all the kiddies that cant fight mano o mano come out and plague the random bgs.

You show an ounce of ability and you have a 5 man premade riding you all game so you have to resort to joining a premade. Honestly this game just needs to put premade vs premade and stop showing new / casual / returning players the door to cater to losers who cant solo

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Last I checked, hoping wasn’t against the rules.

There is a slight problem with your suggestion: “Queue dodging” is, technically speaking, just dropping a queue; as such, you’d be punishing anyone who had to drop a queue for whatever reason. Yeah… that’s not going to happen.

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What if you drop queue 6 times in a certain time, let’s say 30 minutes for this example.

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If you drop Arena Queue, you get a 3minute deserter increasing.

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That’s a bit different though because it’s rated. So there’s something on the line.

You get deserter for Arena Skirmishes too, starts at 1 minute.

From this I notice it isn’t called Deserter but Craven.

Tried the second time, it goes up to 5 minutes.

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so ur why i queued in solo…