Blizzard, are you even listening?

…what! Blizzard said they were going to do something and then went back on their word! Really though, you shouldn’t be suppressed. The quality of what they called Blizzcon this weekend is them shouting for the roof of the sad state their company is in. They literally had ZERO footage of their upcoming patch but decided to how us powerpoint screen pics.


Out of likes, but +1 to OP for sure.


…and you believed that?

Should know better with these clowns by now.


just look at nightborne’s state, now go to the Q&A and listen to that “No, we’ve done good enough so no plans for shadowlands”

like any sane person who looks at the options that nightborne have and then go look what option blood elves have will say “okay thats not really good enough, we need work on that race too so some of the community won’t feel left out”

so yes, in my view, as a nightborne its really spit in the face and ignoring all our suggestions and artworks and passion we have since all customization stuff was out, main a race that have the least amount of option and tell me how it feels

are they going to make more in terms of customizations? i hope so but the answer was just downright disrespectful to a community that was so passionate about all of this, entire community not just 2 people


I just want Nightborne to have good customizations and for my blood/void to finally not have their damn eyebrows clip through every single helmet in the game… Is that too much to ask for Blizzard?


They should have done a professional job of designing them BEFORE releasing them. But they did a half baked amateur job and released them. Now 4 years later here we are.


I can say the only good thing about this is their competitors taking notes about it. I mean I appreciate their honesty though it might of not been the right route, but they needed to do a good job to keep it subtle so it wouldn’t disturb their audience like Mr.Phone guy from Diablo’s channel.


Its always the same with the nightbornes post LMFAO.

Always like hours and days of being an active post and only have like 30 comments.

At this point blizzard should just remove that race haha.


or you know…fix the issue with the race.


“Hey guys! Buy our expansion because we’re going to be adding more options after it launches!”

Buys expansion

“Now that we have all your guys money, we feel we’ve done good enough and aren’t going to be adding those options we promised… Enjoy Shadowlands!”



Customizations are probably not a priority right now because of working from home and COVID. They are already behind in content release.

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To be fair… we didn’t have COVID at Shadowlands announcement.

If anything, I’d imagine Covid drove sales up as it’s a cheap form of entertainment that lasts for years


Low key there’s truth to this point on many levels with other popular companies.


Now someone correct me if I’m wrong but…the art/design team is a different group than the actual content/gameplay sort of team right? Why would it be so hard for them to make more customization options?


Well its not game balance or gameplay either , there fore it must be customization

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I’ve got no idea. I find it hard to imagine they exhausted the art team budget on the new Covenant cosmetic sets. Heck, we’re not even getting new sets for the upcoming raid tier. It’s our crafted legendaries. Korthia hardly looks any more impressive than the Telogrus Rift either, from the few screenshots they seemed to have felt were quality enough to release.

I just have no clue what they have the art team working on right now. If it was something as exhaustive as Allied Races you’d think they’d say that! “Hey, we won’t be adding more customization in Shadowlands, we’re currently working on some new Allied Races and are devoting our efforts towards that.” At least they’d generate some goodwill that way.


Don’t worry, no one is spitting on you.

unless doing a daily in the maw with warmode on :wink:


I have a feeling there could be shortage on workers due to the lay offs and also bad treatment Blizzard and their superiors put pressure on those workers. We can tell it’s not an entirely “happy facility”. I’m not sure if it’s a hard task to do when you look at other competitors not having a hard time pushing out cosmetics and content at the same time even during the pandemic.