I personally can’t wait to be an andro-draco-dude with a vest. Vests are legit.
Blizzard is not nessecary out of touch, its just they got an idiot for a game director and ever since Ion took control in Warlords of Dreanor there has been a substantial drop in quality and an enormous amount of controversy in almost every terrible game design approach he has taken, he is a total fool and should go back to being a developer and not a director, Microsoft needs to get this guy out of here.
It’s one thing to criticize Ion’s game design decisions and direction, but isn’t it a bit much to lay all quality issues at his feet? That’s like a summation of customer support, GMs, QA, all kinds of business decisions that he’s not able to dictate.
Its all his fault or Bobby’s fault, but I’d say at least 70% Ion’s fault
I don’t want a Tinker. Not everyone wants a Tinker.
Tinkle out of here!
People did the exact same thing with Ghostcrawler. Literally every bad thing was HIS fault specifically.
This community is terrible.
I like the idea of humanoid dragons and evoker.
Evoker > Tinker. San’Layn eh… just looks like vampire elves. Ogres though, I will agree with lol.
I’m so sick of the obsession with San’layn. We don’t need yet ANOTHER Elf race, especially a THIRD repeat of Blood Elves.
Tinkers are getting to that level too. There is a portion of the online community that is unhealthily obsessed with them.
At least being game director, holding Ion ultimately responsible for design choices is reasonable. Ghostcrawler not so much.
Again, does the avatar someone posts with make their point more or less valid?
Would multiple seasons of gladiator be sufficient?
Would full current raid tier mythic clear be sufficient?
Would high timed M+ keys make my points more valid?
Just wondering where the goalposts are for you to make my point any more or less valid in your eyes.
Source? And even if that is what is said, Dragonflight is not even in alpha yet so a lot can and WILL change before release.
Well when people said they wanted a casual to play MMORPG he said to “git gud” because for some reason he didnt understand why so many of us left games like EQ and why a LOT of people that never play video games would play WoW.
He started this whole WoW is a hardcore gamers game. He was the first to even comment about how bad most of the community was at the game in relation to the top competitive gamers.
This game was never built for competitive gamers before him and subs have dropped since he brought in that mindset
Is he wrong though
If you are playing an MMORPG, how can you be bad?
MMORPGs are about leveling your character, not your skill.
If you dont beat something, grind more, get better gear and go back.
MMORPGs were NEVER about skill until GC
Yea we didn’t get a “new” ranged for year, but at the same time there were more ranged specs that melee dps specs until legion when Melee took over because of the hunter swap
I wanted Dragons more than Tinkers. Tinkers sound lame.
Dragons for sure for me, though I wouldn’t call a well done tinker lame. And based on the Gnomes from Island Expeditions Tinker likely would have had a Tank spec.
To each their own. I just think they would have translated very poorly into WoW’s gameplay. I think they probably would have stripped engineers of a lot of their identity and also been very gimmicky. Maybe not though!
Honestly unless the new Profession system does something great with them Engineers have been field stripped for a while.
- We can make gear for engineers and 1 class which we may or may not be. Don’t personally remember if you can crafter’s mark a weapon to 260 but at least you can make your own googles!
- Have no real endgame item to provide a benefit to others like Potions/stones/vantus Runes. We get some okay optional crafting pieces but those don’t do anything if players can’t use more than 1 piece of crafted gear and will likely replace it if they do enough content.
- Our bombs get outscaled pretty quick in each expansion to the point where they aren’t even really worth the long cool down and triggering the GCD.
- Anytime we do get the chance to make a mount or something we get like a month long endeavor for each 1 we make.
I really think engineering needs the biggest rework of the main crafting skills down the board.
Only because most melee could also tank heal or both. No new ranged classes period.