Blizzard appreciation - progressive mindset

I agree. Progress is only as effective as Blizzard makes it. Progressive ideology is a positive and I hope Blizz keeps making LGBT characters and stories.

Admittedly, this has given me a clear view of who I shouldn’t listen to on the forums. It’s disappointing to be sure, but now I won’t accidentally like a homophobe’s post. :relaxed:

You know how adults can see right through little kids’ bs? yeah…it’s like that…

Imagine having this much time in your day and you choose to be annoying.

Op if you really cared about lgbt you wouldn’t purposely post the same topics every two days, only changing some words here or there.


Define a homophobe .

Is it a person that makes an actual homophobic comment , is it a person that just doesn’t agree with you but doesn’t attack you or is it both ?

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I appreciate Blizzard’s steps towards equality and representation. I’m glad these homophobic noobs on the forums aren’t in charge bahaha

The fact is the products gotten worse, so no we aren’t progressing.