Blizzard allows Bots, Hacking, and RMT. I Quit

Blizzard deleted my last post because they do no want me broadcasting that they allow Botting, Hacking, and RMT.

But it is the truth and I’m tired of feeling like the only guy playing by the rules and getting punished for it. I’m tired of grinding my face off to pay for stuff because the market is so busted because I’m competing with Botters Hackers and RMT.

Blizzard you have done us a disservice. You are abusing your customers so that you can protect your bottom line.

It’s pathetic and you do not deserve our money.


Welcome to Private Servers. The hardcore sweaty private server players go with a pay to win mentality, they buy gold, etc. Thats how classic ends. Same player base, same environment.


Yea it’s pretty bad. Most people would rather just spend 3 hours worth of money to get 40 hours worth of gold.


Nah, I think this mentality primarily comes from retail.


They need to start cracking down hard because if they don’t TBC arena is gonna be as bad as Retail with the kick bots scripts.


With as little attention as they’ve given classic there is no way I’m playing the dumpster fire that will be TBC. Blizzard refuses to moderate their game.


It’s just as bad in retail, I stopped taking any kind of rated pvp even remotely serious in WoD because the cheating got so bad, and legion was no better and BFA still has problems. Cheating really does ruin games, it’s the most disheartening thing In multiplayer games.



Can you imagine a 2400+ rated arena where one team has an army of bots mass reporting half your team for a guaranteed loss.

I’ll wager $1000 on this happening a lot in TBC if Activision doesn’t fix their sht, which we all know they wont!


Also the raw number of players who will likely cheat any way they can because the penalty for cheating is not fierce enough.

Bans for cheating need to be permanent.


Lol you act like gold selling wasnt in vanilla. It was just as bad. They hack accounts vendor all your items. That is why authenicator was put in. Its just easier to find the hacks now that its 15 years old.

No, it wasn’t as bad. You had active GM’s back then and you would never see someone blatantly botting for weeks/months straight in the open world. It was always a thing yes, but back then they put some effort into keeping the servers free of this stuff so the average player could play without the interruption of teleporting or underworld bots, or bots camping resource mobs that are needed for quests so you can never finish it. All these cheaters and botters keep doing it because RMT is so lucrative to them, and they don’t get banned so why not. This is nothing like Vanilla was.


Gold selling wasn’t even close to ever being as bad in Vanilla.

Blizzard still actively enforced bans in Vanilla, the average player was paranoid about being banned or being scammed, and there was a huge stigma around buying gold and being seen as a pariah for doing so.

Gold buying today almost seems completely condoned and accepted by most people, the risk of being banned is largely ignored, there are numerous places to dump bought gold like boosting and GDKP runs, and people don’t even try to hide the fact that they buy gold now because they also buy gold in retail.

The things you could spend gold on in Vanilla was much much more limited and guilds were not selling gear nor were pugs clearing BWL. Someone buying a few hundred gold to get their epic mount in Vanilla is not nearly as bad as someone buying 20k gold to blow in GDKP runs on their alt in classic.


There is a wow token now so feels less wrong. Pay to win was not done until 2010. Except for mmos haved had it for a long time. Selling rank 14 account was a thing. I think the high population of the server with scarce resources make it more apparent of the problem. I know everyone i played with had their accounts hacked and used as a gold mule.

They just sell bwl geared account. Gdkp just makes it a little easier to not have to sell the whole account.

First step, and some will hate me for that, add the WoW Token to Classic.


I never thought wow token was bad. Since people are going to buy gold anyways. I never done it but i can make plenty of gold. I just sell the boes early in s retail season. I have my sub paid for the season.

If people knew you bought your account in Vanilla, and it was often really easy to tell, you’d be outcasted on your own server. People wouldn’t raid with you and guilds wouldn’t accept you.

A lot of people knew this and so they refrained from buying accounts at all. It still did happen but it wasn’t very common.


No the ONLY step is to hire HUMAN BEINGS to address bot tickets as opposed to now where we only get automated bans (that are nowhere CLOSE to being effective enough).

The real problem is that if I see a BLATANT bot and click the report bot button, that report is never read by a person and is basically discarded. If you’re lucky, enough people report the bot that it gets banned in 6 months with the next wave but by then it’s far too late.


People just xfer server. Not sure why you think this did not happen. I need gear to raid nax. Just buy account. I am ok at the game but need gear to get in with the elite.

You do realize that “private server players” are the entire reason why Classic exists, yes?

You also realize that “private server players” are not a hivemind, yes?

I’m sure it happened but it happened FARRRR less than in does now even with Blizzard having FAR more tools to deal with it. It’s pretty apparent that Blizzard simply cannot be bothered to moderate their game. It would cost them money and that’s the only excuse they need to not do it.

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