And what I’m saying is that yes it is weak, but it’s not so weak it’s insignificant, and you can’t have the bonus be too much higher than that because it begins to start undermining the efforts to prevent boosting that Blizzard put in place with the exp nerfs for level disparities among party members.
There’s nothing wrong with not being someone else’s cup of tea. But if it’s inhibiting ur ability to play maybe you should look into things you can do it help against that
It is so weak it’s insignificant.
If you ran play testing times against one another full pugging verses rdf, who would hit max level first.
Even with the 10% rdf would win in probably half the time. And that’s an issue.
The entire point of the thread was to offer a suggestion to Blizzard that would reward people who wish to go to the dungeon manually, while still letting people just queue up for stuff when they don’t feel like waiting around for upwards of a few hours, depending on how bad the server is population wise.
Really it doesn’t even need to be an exp bonus it can be anything, 10% exp is just the example I provided because it’s cheap and it’s easy to implement while providing value to players without limiting options.
Sometimes I like to find a group and go hit up a dungeon. Other times, I just wanna get on for like 20-30 minutes, do a dungeon and get off. In those moments, RDF would be an amazing option to have, because in those moments if I have to sit in /LFG for upwards of an hour or more trying to fill a group for something, I’m just gonna nope the heck out of the game entirely and go do something that doesn’t make me feel like my time was wasted.
Experience isnt the issue, its all the extra rewards rdf gives that make it effectively mandatory.
Better idea is remove the rewards including the teleport, cross realm, bonus emblems/bag, exc and all it does is group you with those who want to do the same content on your realm.
You just add RDF
People who want to use it will
People who don’t want to use it won’t
Not a difficult concept
Instead we have these anti-rdf people saying we should be forced to play how they want
We have pro-rdf players saying give us RDF and let the others play however they like
The logical outcome here is RDF is implemented
RDF doesn’t need bonuses. Just have it be a bare bones matchmaking system and be done with it.
And its pretty clear 10% experience wont do that. i gave a good thought on that tho:
And I’ve already made my counter-statement to that. You can’t run a 40%-50% bonus and still expect the boosting to be non-existent. With a 50% exp bonus that would come back in a heartbeat because that starts putting people in range for powerleveling again.
And it’s not like they couldn’t add a feature to the RDF where you can select it to only match you with people on your same server so if you do a dungeon, and you all enjoyed playing with each other, you could just run out of the zone and back in and keep doing it, or re-queue or whatever.
I mean you see the influx of boosters there were when the event buff was added in?
thats def a problem. so then nerf experience in rdf by 40% its the same outcome.
I got sidetracked by people attacking me and never got to talk about that
Couldn’t you just…disable the manual group XP boost when someone in the group is too high of a level?
Why would this be an issue at all?
You could, and it should in that case. But we’re talking about how bad one needs to be nerfed in order to bring proper value to the other. I don’t think anything needs to be nerfed. 10% is enough to get people going out and doing it, which is really all people need. Most people just need the excuse to go do something and then once they’re at their destination they’ll do it. That’s what the 10% buff provides. The excuse to go do things instead of just sitting in a city and waiting for timers to pop.
I think putting a value on it in this discussion isn’t appropriate. The best way to do it would be to start small and gradually increase it until the populations of players using RDF and not using RDF even out.
Once it’s 50-50, then you know you’ve got the right value, yes?
Its not. because if rdf presents a 30% increase its still a 20% deficit.
This is quite literally the point of play testing and data analytics.
Yes I agree playtesting is a good idea. But with the expansion being less than a month away, I was trying to come up with an incentivizing solution that could be added in at or by launch. Playtesting would require at least a couple months to really figure out.
The compromise is to implement RDF, and the anti-RDF crowd can deal with an iconic feature of the expansion being, ya know, in the expansion.
And really like I said in my OP I don’t think RDF was the major issue. I think the biggest point of contention for the community was the Raid Finder, as Raid Finder killed so many guilds when it came out.
Wont have to! From the looks of it you wont be utilizing either tho! thanks for stopping by to cry tho.
And thank you for continuing to make an horses backside of yourself so that readers don’t have to guess what kind of people are on either side of this “debate”.
Oh no if youre gonna stop in to disrupt a convo i’ll absolutely rub your nose in it like a bad doggy <3