lol, I don’t care what you call me, it won’t make me stop trying to get RDF. Stay salty. #bringbackRDF
I wasnt calling you anything lol.
A straw man fallacy occurs when someone takes another person’s argument or point, distorts it or exaggerates it in some kind of extreme way, and then attacks the extreme distortion, as if that is really the claim the first person is making.
Youre attacking a straw man
I didn’t distort or exaggerate anything. I spoke facts. I am not a straw man, I was not in the wizard of oz.
So you didnt distort my point into something it wasnt, and attack that as if it was my point?
i cant with this one man
No I stated that Blizzard is not keeping Wrath pure with facts. Your insecurity took it as an attack.
You should look up when this happened btw
Thanks for the chuckle tho man
There is no debate. There is no RDF in Wrath and it’s staying that way.
I am not taking what you’re saying, distorting it into something it’s not, and then giving you grief for coming up with the made up idea. I posed a simple question:
“How does one socially interact with people who do not want to socially interact”
And all you’ve said in regards to it is “You socially interact with people you enjoyed playing with!”, then proceeded to talk down on everybody and ridicule everyone who raised an opinion in opposition.
You know it’s okay to say “I don’t know”, right? Nobody is going to think less of you for not knowing something.
Youre right! where have I said you specifically were strawmanning tho?
So here i absolutely answered you and you ignored it.
It’s kind of easy to ignore the things you say sometimes when even the genuine responses are masked as cheap insults.
i stand corrected! you did absolutely attack a straw man, that i ever said “socializing” was happning inside dungeons, which i never said and clearly laid out there. If you misspoke, or i misunderstood, i would happily answer a geniune question about why i think tedium is neccesary tho!
They could also go play Classic Era.
But this is Wrath, and people want Wrath. Why do some find that so hard to understand?

the genuine responses are masked as cheap insults.
dont quite understand this one. Telling someone they are hyperbolizing, or strawmanning or both isnt an insult, its just true, demonstrable, and what is happening directly in front of us. its not an opinion, so it cant be insulting.
I agree that sometimes tedium is necessary. But it doesn’t mean it has to be horrifically inconvenient to the people who just want to play the game for a run or two and not have to be 100% sweaty 100% of the time.

They could also go play Classic Era.
Wont have to, you’ll have to find a different game or hope they change stance at some point if you want the QOL! <3

But it doesn’t mean it has to be horrifically inconvenient to the people who just want to play the game for a run or two and not have to be 100% sweaty 100% of the time.
I agree!

Ive said multiple times on these forums, id be Behind quite a few things:
A) Cross realm Manual LFG tool
B) Realm locked RDF
C) A heavily nerfed rdf, or heavily incentivized (through badges or gear) manual grouping
I think there are def some good compromises to be had! these are just my IDEAL ones.
I think 10% experience is very weak and you’ll see no difference tangibly between that and putting rdf in the game point blank.

Thats their loss, assuming they never talk to anyone. THeyve probably chosen tank or healer in order to make up for that handicap in some small way. the most likely scenario, is they just arent that interested in you personally, and so maybe a little introspection is in order
You imply that the reason why groups don’t socialize with people is because of the specific person. Is that not an insult where you come from?

You imply that the reason why groups don’t socialize with people is because of the specific person.
Alot of the times, yes! agency is the thing in the game! it may not even be how well you play, it could be something you said, any other thing! things that drive human interation IRL as well.