Blizz you gotta separate out XP-Off Twinking

Then why all the doggy butt sniffing going on with you people. As far as I am aware, all my papers are in order and my taxes have been paid.

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Yea Warriors are actually insane low level, gear or not.

That’s nice, but I’m not a fan of separation and will post against it. You happened to say it was okay to do, so I made a post against it. You got huffy and puffy for no reason and here we are. Anyway 3:30 am for me so I’m off to bed. Have a GN


Have a good night also. Its 12:30 for me here on the pacific coast. Caffeine from my coffee hasn’t worn off yet. :slight_smile:

he’s playing a shaman(class) in a bracket he shouldn’t be in because he is “x class” oh
so we should all be fotm s tier only dedicate our lives to having 11 toons to rotate gearing through so we can always have an advantage
sounds like twink mindset
please talk about my skill level
just coming back to bfa since WoD but typical twink BS. Selfish no skills can’t compete at high end twinking to get some dubs. gear>class>skill when comes to twinking
i’ve leveled 2 toons to 120 thus far working on 3rd
rogue/spriest/now monk. I can outplay fail twink kids all day and still lose to gear only especially in the 111-119 bracket with timewalking gear. I’ve yet to see any twinks linking their glad/hero achieves
wonder why that is
they are all so skillfull and competitive with the “gear or get out” motto running rampant yet never have any follow through outside the hot fingers they have defending twinks on forums
if they wanted challenge, if they wanted fair, if they wanted competition, if they wanted to prove skill, if they could actually handle a loss like a normal person they would be exploring avenues for that where they didn’t have massive gear advantages

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You’re being trolled. I appreciate your honesty.

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Wow. Juga got really hostile. Selective quoting and outright strawmanning someone because they don’t agree is really weird to see.

While I’m here, I feel I should mention the album again.
I’ve also stopped updating it as of yesterday, because I don’t like to torture myself and continually joining BGs which are almost certainly going to be twink-controlled isn’t fun.
Twinks win, I won’t BG until 120.

I tried leveling as Enhance but it wasn’t the greatest, compared to resto.
Large % of damage will just be Elemental Force procs.

With all due respect, you say that like you’re surprised. I’ve seen it quite a few times. One of the many reasons when I even see that name, 99.99% of the time, I scroll past the comment without even reading it. It’s like junkmail
 seeing AARP mail when you’re not even close to 50, you toss it without opening it.

I like your album. Thank you for putting forth the work in doing that, it’s appreciated. It shows exactly what people have been saying all along and called “liars” for.

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I’m in the same boat as you, it seems. I’m not a super great player and not super duper well optimized, but am having fun. Cheers to you and keep it up!

Where did I get hostile?

Hostile wasn’t the right word. Passive-aggressive and rude would be more accurate.

I don’t see that either. Honestly, his post was full of contradictions.

I love when people do this all the time then tell people they’re a “nice person.” Forum trolls were at least funny years ago.

Did you end up making any counts on your album?

I’m a bit out of it today, so I’m not entirely sure what you mean. Counts as in the number of twinks, or number of games I went through?

It’s been said that the 19/29/39 bracket would be the only ones who would really get queues if they separated xp off since more twinks stop at those levels. Lower levels were hell for me just because of the class I picked. It does get better.

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Yes, that’s what I meant. My apologies.

Don’t you think he did enough work documenting BGs? You could do the armory search game.

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Okay so I looked at your album. Seems the 30s wasn’t too bad except the two warrior twinks (haha warriors) First game, you had a twink, they didn’t and you still lost. 2nd game no twinks either side. 3rd game no twinks again yet one side still curb-stomped. 4th game they had one twink and curb-stomped your team, started out one twink on each side though. 5th game, the same horde twink is there yet you guys still won because as you said, the other team road fought. 6th game, they had one twink and you guys got gy farmed.

Edit: in the BG with Heavyweight, you guys actually had a twink healer.

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Someone earlier in the thread said that the pre xpoff/xpon merge looooong queue times was exaggerated
 that’s a load of crap. Even popular brackets like 70s had a lot of issues. Only the 19s and whoever was paired with f2p (24 or 29) didn’t have long queue times.