The mage looks like a twink on your team as well with BoA’s and everything enchanted. I’m also guessing, I could be wrong, but I’m betting you are the FC since you’re a twinked out druid. You’re winning the game and I don’t see any twinks on their team at all.
The argument has been it only takes 1 or 2 twinks on one side to easily swing the game in your favor against a group of levelers, no?
Talk about narratives all you want, the fact is you are a twinked out resto druid that is damn near unstoppable running the flag across a CTF map when you’re pitted against a bunch of levelers.
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nah man alliance twinks can be complete idiots but if you have like at least 3 people on your team who knows what they’re doing it doesn’t matter what you are horde or alliance you’ll win the bg it’s only when there is a 5 man of twinks that the other team will most likely lose.
next patch blizz is “fixing” this by buffing heroic dungeon item level sso this is mainly focused towards 70+ brackets.
I don’t touch the flag unless I have to.
I guess it flew right over you. The picture was of levelers farming the graveyard. Something that seems to only happen when twinks are involved
But, you were involved, no? You have the top dps, as a resto druid too lol
I just figured you were running it since your SS is you at the bottom of the tunnel. Of course it doesn’t show the end of the BG just at the start after the first flag was capped so we can’t see who capped flags or any of the HK’s and so on.
Ask and you shall receive:
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I stand corrected! I apologize for assuming and can be a big enough person to say that I was wrong in this case.
Rdruids need their damage toned down
haha, I’m with you on that. I really do hope they can balance out the lower levels and have it more like end game where gear doesn’t mean everything.
So you aren’t 2k, kk ty for clarifying.
Yes. It appears that you do get honor while xp-off is enabled.
Not sure I wanna twink a warrior cause I really do suck at it.
The things you mention dont seem to be linked directly to battlegrounds. You mention a change to a Paladin class, to dungeons and quest drops and to enchants.
Not sure what they have to do with bgs and the topic at hand.
not sure what this has to do with exp-off twinks in bgs…
Sauced is a beast. Lots of twinks in that BG. Sauced, Shar, Anklebitter, and No on Alliance. Exzuu, Geobot, and Abe on the horde. Geobot and Exzuu are lvl 60’s though I think and Exzuu always plays prot for whatever reason. I don’t think Geobot is very great at Spriest but he’s not doing himself any favors playing 60 instead of 69. Abe is alright but he never fights other twinks. He will run and hide all game from enemy twinks cause apparently he loathes the idea that he coud die. Which is why he’s 12 - 0 but Exzuu is 1 - 17 and Geobot 1 - 11. Shars a good resto druid twink.
Do some research on the Public Test Realm, they are available for everyone.
Items which are being adjusted are very much part of this topic, as they solely affect the lower brackets.
Incendiary Ammo, Ramstein’s are just two examples of many changes that are being adjusted and re tuned to a more reasonable damage.
Class forums may answer the class changes that are being discussed.
Speaking of… this was following
Yeah, she’s good but she can’t move heaven and earth by herself. The others must have logged off. I haven’t been queuing in the bracket for a while now since I’m focusing on my 120. I’ll see if we can group up tomorrow so she doesn’t get bitter about my absence ;d I’m not often needed since there is usually 1 or 2 others around to queue with.
I faced that druid quite a few times with different people. She wasn’t queued with anyone that I was aware of. Here was another devastating loss: Then against the same group: BGs come down to players really… but you know, I’m in a bubble apparently