That’s how ppl feel going up against twinks.
Had a feeling you were going in this direction. There’s a huge difference in having abilities that aren’t even in your spellbook, or a mount compared to those with mounts.
Just like theres a huge difference between a L29 twink and a L20.
Yes, and they are working on adjustments for the patch. They have better plans in mind.
You can totally avoid twinks. If they somehow impede your leveling, use one of the other ways to level. They don’t impede mine.
I am also glad Blizzard is working on balance over segregation. It allows everyone to PvP at lower levels.
The topic is exp off separation. Not how to avoid twinks, unless you are talking about separating them.
Agreed here. No one likes to sit in queue times and shouldn’t wish that on others imo.
no one likes to be camped by twinks when you are leveling either. Separation is an answer, and for me it is the answer. You are actually making it more of a mission for me lol.
Tell your teams to play better. I had 2 matches while leveling 10-61 end in a GY camp, one was a 5 man premade so that was the reason for that one.
So are you saying that other people have not equally invested time in their characters? Perhaps they play them across the game and that if they decide to play them in a battleground for whatever reason (say, for example, doing the Childrens Week Quest, or simply to experience the bg or because they decide to try bgs out) they should be disadvantaged because they didn’t decide to sit their characters at a particular level and freeze it there to gain an advantage over others?
The xp twink character isn’t ‘destroyed’, its still perfectly capable of doing battlegrounds and it would continue to be stronger for quite some time, and have the added advantage of being an experienced bg player. You are just trumpeting about it for no real reason.
Certainly, if the devs can come up with a way to counter that advantage I’d be fine with it. Would you?
That’s exactly what they have planned for the next patch.
They are not my teams, we are a collective of individuals who come together. Mostly strangers. We went over this already. You said this earlier and I told you to make a thread on how teams should play better. But you wont do it because you just like trolling here. Its not rated BG’s. No one listens to each other in randoms, and you know that. quit being daft.
Do twinks get honor for killing?
I don’t have much issues with how my teams are playing. There hasn’t been GY camping going on.
Ya, because nothing ever bad happens to you. We have heard you say this all the time. You must live in a bubble or something.
Well only bads get graveyard camped after all
If you have a link of some sort for those changes I’d be interested to read them.
and who are the “bads”?
That’s what people are suggesting while your suggestion is forced leveling and destroying characters so you can have an easier time leveling. It’s honestly just one more selfish suggestion from the anti twink side.
Balancing allows everyone to play without forcing players to level. Why not get on board with that?
Teams that do no dps or healers that do no healing in fact I just got out of a 120 game where the other team got camped because other then 2 people nobody did any dmg I even saw a disc out dps 3 of them