Blizz you gotta separate out XP-Off Twinking

Like I’ve been saying all along.

Some may not, but ruin others time because of that?

Or a better solution would be to balance gear and items like Blizzard is planning.

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Did I disagree?

you are worried about ruining a twinks time, when all they do is ruin other peoples time? thats precious.

Its a step, But just because blizzard is planning it, does not make it written in stone. I hope they do it, trust me, but they are not always known for their promises. Right now battlegrounds are in bad shape. I know you disagree. Nothing bad ever happens to you.


With how much you talk about bad BGs, I’d say… yes.

They don’t ruin my time while leveling, and plenty of others.

So just throw in the towel and ruin one groups queues? got it.

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[quote=“Scharzula-earthen-ring, post:534, topic:89229”]
Its a step, But just because blizzard is planning it, does not make it written in stone. I hope they do it, trust me, but they are not always known for their promises. Right now battlegrounds are in bad shape. I know you disagree. Nothing bad ever happens to you.
[/quote] They have this expansion and did the last expansion where survival hunters were an issue at lower levels.
Edit how do you quote ? xD it keeps messing up for me

Highlight and hit quote

You assume, and you know what that means. You are not me. I know your position on that because you have stated it at a copy/paste rate.

Its fine is it does not ruin your time, I already said nothing bad ever happens to you. But you cannot speak for others, thats a strawman, and you like building straw men. You build them all the time.

No, that is not what I said. I said they could each have their own que. If the twink population cannot sustain itself to have a decent que rate then maybe it should go away, or form groups like JWL runs.

Or Blizzard just keeps everyone together and makes balancing changes like they are planning.

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They have tried to balance classes, which is a difficult thing. But yes they do try to do some things. But their word overall is not stellar.

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Then keep complaining here. Luckily Blizzard has way more data than any of us.


Or until that happens, lets keep talking about other solutions.

Your only solution is “separation”

It seems like you are really defensive on this, even if you are not a twink. Yes I am sure they have the data, and more threads complaining about twinks than praising them. How many pro twink threads are out there from levelers? I have not seen one. I have seen twinks start threads about facerolling and such however.

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No, its not, but its the one I find the best. It seems to me the others are band aids, but not a cure.

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From the same people. They have that data too.

There is no cure. Heck, max level BGs are complained about plenty. When it comes to pvp, some people are never happy.


We are not talking about max level battlegrounds.

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Obviously. My point is when it comes to pvp, no one wants to take accountability for themselves, hence low level/max level/wpvp/arena/rated bgs/etc will always be complained about in some form.


expand on this please. Who does not want to be accountable for themselves. What do you mean?

Anyone who blames everything but themselves and their team on a loss. I am sure I am responsible for some losses I’ve had in the past.


what does this have to do with levelers or twinks? There are good and bad in both. When you que up for randoms you do not know who you are grouped with until you get into the battleground. If you try to form a plan in the group before the gates open 99 percent of the time people just flat out ignore you and do their own thing. Sometimes people click and they can get stuff done. But as far a planning as a group in randoms, unless you do premade, your SOL.

Exactly my point. If a group doesn’t work well together, it’s not going to go well for them against twinks or not.