Blizz, why not sell beta access for ~$100-200?

Seriously… There is enough demand for it.
You also have disgusting account sellers taking advantage of their invite by selling classic beta accounts for over $1000.


Heck no, that kind of greed shouldn’t be supported.


basic economics sell sell sell

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WoW Player: The ingame shop it a sign blizzard only cares about money and money only.

Also WoW Players: take my 200bucks just to play the beta.


Don’t give them ideas, they already did the reserve your name thingy

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Because the people who want to pay for Beta access, are generally also the people who won’t do any testing but rather ignore reporting anything because they already “paid for the privilege”. They already have enough of those people.


I’d pay bout tree fiddy for a beta invite


Sad. That’s why gaming sux today. Money over gameplay because people will spend that kind of money to jump in line.


On the flip side it’s a little silly that people think a cash shop and a streamer beta are perfectly fine but paying for beta access is just a bridge too far.

There’s no way people are selling beta accounts and there’s no way people are buying them. I can’t believe that.

Personally I don’t care who got an invite and who didn’t. But I do mind that a game with a paid sub has an ingame shop. Although technically you can get them for ingame gold with the token… It’s complicated

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I’m not sure that people who think paying for beta is too much are the same people who are okay with cash shop

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I don’t think any of it is alright. I think gamers need to stop buying into all the extra crap and force them to make engaging gameplay >mtx. Like the old days.
Because of players willing to spend money on a 3rd party to buy accounts, gold, and items were so successful. We now have mtx>engaging gameplay. That’s a problem. It’s not a wonder there’s a call for retro gaming.
The whales will still ruin it by buying from Susan and if OP’s claim is legit, other players…

#nomtx #tellbillyNOmtx

Better than watching streamers who never played vanilla or seeing classic wow accounts go for thousands of dollars.

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If you see an account being sold, report it. That way the person buying it loses money AND the account.

As for streamers, no, not really. Someone who didn’t report anything or stream is taking up a spot that could be used for either advertising or bug reporting, and is worth far more than a few hundred dollars.

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No it’s not better. It’s milking the consumer and exploiting addicts.

If they did that for a Beta, Id be out lol.

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My claim is legit. I won’t tell you how i found out but i saw many people asking to buy accounts at $1k, $1.5k etc etc with one that had a sold tag.

Did you report it?

fool, money…you know the rest