Blizz, why not sell beta access for ~$100-200?

Would reporting it do anything? Its an entire website doing it and there is no information in the posts that blizzard could use to find out who the seller or buyer is.

When there’s a problem there are two things you can do. Help or hinder. You see this as a problem. Yes. So instead of making a thread or emailing blizz about the issue of accounts being sold. Raising their awareness. You decide to make a thread asking for beta invites to be sold at $200 a pop by blizz and just throw in oh btw accounts are being sold for beta access so you may as well cash in blizz?
I just… don’t do it…ahem.

#nomtx #tellbillyNOmtx

i truly have no idea why people want to play on beta. i can’t go on level a character i’m going to lose and have to start over again. thats also why i never got into private servers.

That being said. Must be those privileged streamers who got invited but don’t play wow. Selling their accounts after they got their lil initial streams done and realized classic wasn’t for them…

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You are kidding right ? Selling accounts goes back a long, long way.

For the same reason that people paid $50 for a Blizzcon ticket ONLY to play the demo.

There’s always someone that will take the bar of dignity and put it lower than it was.

People forget so easily, by giving them more money WoW became BfA, and they open their wallets hastily for a beta?

What will happen when this culture of consumption gets bored (like really bored) of the American dream?

They only following the example the Blizzard sets, Giving betas only to big streamers then giving leftovers to everyone else. Didnt allot of the Big streamers meet up with Blizz before betas were giving out, heck even Quinn69 who never played WOW got a beta invite. This whole beta testing was a big promotional stunt that’s all.

That bar of dignity was already on the ground.
We got the ditch digger at work now so we can go even further.

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I wouldn’t be shocked if they did. 50 bucks to play the demo last year. Active subscription in order to even have a chance to get into beta. There is still time for them to come up with something.

Pay for beta? Thats nuts. You guys realize all the effort you put into your character is deleted right?

I’d gladly pay for an early release server now, or a tiered time release server. Bugs don’t bother me much - waiting for release is a huge bother.

they are dumb?

the correct word to describe them is “Whale”.

60% of ActiBlizz revenue comes from Whales.

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Beta is to test and report things not to have a free early access to have fun. SO MANY people don’t realize this and get so butt hurt when they don’t get beta invites. Most people who get beta invites don’t even report anything and think it’s early access and that isn’t really the point.

LOL, it literally is beta. Calm down and wait like the rest of us non important people.

The public really doesn’t know how to test and report bugs.
The majority of testing has already been done “in house”.

What you see it Beta is pretty much what you are going to get.
Oh a few player reported bugs will get fixed…the glaring ones.

But by the time a beta comes out to the public it’s pretty much “cooked”.

People are paying $1000 for a beta account? Sheesh I could think of much better things to spend a thousand dollars on…

dONT Give them ideas LFR hero.


Waiting to turn the corner on a savage sinus cold – that’s a bother. Waiting for your immigration papers to be processed – that’s a huge bother. (Etc. Etc.)

Waiting for a game to release? That’s a huge bother? Really? Why not regard the anticipation as whetting one’s appetite instead, ultimately adding to the pleasure of playing the game? It’s far more constructive, and also not in the realm of bizarre first-world problems…