Blizz, why is there some exploits you don't care about/ban for?

Why not, are you not subscribed? If so, why does it bother you if you aren’t even playing the game.

That’s a personal choice, I just told you where you could air your concerns. It’s on you if you don’t want to use it.


If it’s not your problem, then you shouldn’t be posting here. /shrug :black_flag:



We don’t play that game here. :smile:


They do care and do take action! In fact not long ago someone came to this forum complaining about their suspension. Well turned out they did something that got a lvl 85 with BFA gear onto a legion account.

Well needless to say that got them with running pvp a 120+ day suspension.

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They often don’t post about it to not advertise it. Blue text is far more visible than the endless ocean of white text.

As for the action, what you’re assuming is how exploitative behaviors are handled. It’s rarely done on an individual basis, such as, as reports come in.

If this twink XP exploit is going to follow suit with the last two large exploits (repeatable 500 Timewarped Badge quest, and Draught of Ten Lands stacking), then the account actions will be handed out in a single wave after the exploit is fixed. Those found to have cheated will get what’s coming to them.

As has been pointed out above, reports are one-way. Bliz will not respond with what was done about it because it’s a private affair between Bliz and the accused.


Well, to be fair, not one that you are aware of. I can’t speak to any actions that we may or may not have taken on those who may have used an exploit. What I can say is that in some situations, to echo what Leviathan mentioned, on issues that we may not have a fix, we’ll generally hold off on penalty until we do have a fix ready. I can’t say that will happen in the case you are referring to, but there may be a rude awakening at some point.

Entirely different issues. Some things have such simple resolutions that it is literally a matter of clicking a box, or changing a 2 to a 0 in a line of code. Other issues, may require a small feat of programming, or restructuring a fundamental feature in order to address the issue. Those kinds of changes can’t be done in a hotfix or a binary update, it requires extensive testing and must be included in a content patch.

I’ll answer the second part first… We, the collective Blue “We”, don’t generally post about potential exploits, especially if we don’t have an immediate resolution for them, to avoid attracting more people to try them out.

As for the inconsistency, we actually are extremely consistent based on the issue but you’d have to know the differences with those to have insight.


I see worgens put in their place, I upheart. I’m a simple twink.


That ban was overturned. I met the guy in game, and he posted an update in his thread.

That whole thing was so fishy.

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Allegedly. I know that it’s hard to believe, but people lie on the internet.

Only Blizzard and the account holder will ever know the truth.

Best not to spread rumours.


Maybe they changed their minds on the suspension since the system let me transfer his toon to a lower account level that caused the situation he exploited. Either way doing something like he did is never a good idea, People will report things like that and when they investigate will stand out like a sore thumb.

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I mean unless people are friends and see him online…

I get what they’re saying. I could be the one lying on the internet, not the OP of that thread.

Funny how he didn’t say that to the person I responded to though. Perhaps there is an agenda hidden behind his honest advice.

Why are you posting about this again? That thread you hijacked yesterday on the exact same topic got locked so you decided to try again?


Sorry, since you’re allowing harassment and racism in this thread I find it hard to believe you action much. None the less, I’ve seen well over 20 people exploiting this to gain an advantage in PvP; I see it being abused in every single level bracket.

Just a tip, a certain twink warlock likes to say stuff that they would say towards black people as a result of the way you named Worgen and their connotations with the backwards spelling.

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I don’t see either in this thread.

As to the rest of your post, there are no GMs on the forums. If you see someone breaking the rules in-game, you need to report them in-game.

I’m not sure what you’re hoping to accomplish here, but I can pretty much assure you that the best you’ll get is having this thread locked.


Where do you go when reporting them in-game doesn’t do anything, though? :slight_smile:

All you can do is report your suspicions, and Blizzard will investigate and decide on the penalty. There is no where else you really need to go.


Clearly there is, since the rules are not being enforced. Even Police have oversights.

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This is a video game, not your local police department.

There is no alternative or escalation process. If you stuck around here long enough (or use the search feature) you’ll see plenty of posts where people come here trying to argue that their clearly inappropriate name was just funny/silly/meant something different/etc.

Report and move on.


You quoted it, but I think you missed it.