Blizz, why are you breakin prot war again?

Let’s face the truth: Bliz don’t let us, prot wars, to be happy for a long time… Always a nerf to break us down. Those rage synergy nerfs are nuts… Why, blizz? Why? Gimme the prot pally dmg and I promisse I won’t complaint.


I think they said it’s because the spec plays too quickly but that’s…fun? :dracthyr_a1: Also nerfing rage gen baseline which further puts colossus into the dumpster. Maybe it’ll be okay but seemingly disappointing changes.

Also very sad about dragon charge adjustment. :dracthyr_cry_animated:


Adjustment? Look how they massacred my boy. I might as well change my mog and my name now.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa revert it revert it :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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Simple. The warrior developer doesn’t actually play warrior. Check out the comical saga around fury warriors last season. Eventually they gave us the buffs we’d been asking for since DF and it all balanced out.

Arms has been drastically up and down and has been a clunky mess for a number of seasons. Awkward rotation. Changes to other specs landing nerfs to Arms. No synergized play style with the hero talents.

Prot warrior always starts an expansion fine, then gets nerfed by some big brain idea about “fixing tanks”, and our dev gets lost and has no idea how to communicate the actual playstyle of prot to avoid coming out on the wrong end.

Tl;dr, nothing about warrior changes in the last 2 expansions (minimum) suggests the guy behind us has any clue how to actually play a single one of our specs.


We were good in BFA, and we’ve been paying for it for years.

Personally, I didn’t agree with us being considered bad in WoD, but I’m in a super-minority on that opinion.

Waited 2 years to be able to play a Dracthyr tank. Probably gonna keep playing it but blizz is making it really hard to enjoy it. I wish they had given us atleast also monk so we had an alternative tank…

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It’s common knowledge at this point their dev or team who balance warrior doesn’t actually play the class and instead are just looking at data.


I think the best part about this theory is that we don’t know what data they’re looking at.

If the data made sense, Colossus wouldn’t keep getting nerfed while barely anyone is playing it.


They lack critical thinking it’s just that plain and simple.

Case in point.

Removing Execute from providing Demolish stacks so people will press Mortal Strike / Shield Slam on cooldown as the ‘intended playstyle’.

Meanwhile the actual behaviour from players who are playing it correctly. Arms still presses MS on cooldown, it fills in 3x GCDs with 2x Execute 1x OP or 2x OP 1x Execute between each MS cast.
Prot still presses Shield Slam on cooldown to generate rage to be able to even press Execute in the first place.

So their reasoning is either misguided on bad player button press metrics or they’re too chicken to say the following.
“We don’t like how demolish CDRs faster in the execute phase and we want it to have a similar cooldown throughout an encounter as opposed to it ramping up in frequency near the end of a fight.”

Outside of the Execute interaction removal, it’s only copped strays from Thane for Prot, which is silly because we’re just hitting gear values that make Demolish a powerhouse in tank DPS in keys, additional gear next season without the rage generation nerfs would’ve definitely seen more play for it in comparison to Thane for players chasing the higher throughput.


I predicted Colossus Prot was the future with gear, but at this point, it’s just way too nerfed to be viable, since now we’ll be clawing for any rage we can for Ignore Pain. Blizzard isn’t trying to make Revenge or Execute a choice; they’re trying to completely take it off the table, so the Demolish buffs to Prot also end up being moot.

As for Arms… Well, until this patch’s notes came out, I would’ve said there wasn’t any point in playing it over Slayer in keys. Colossus was good on gigantic pulls for consistent AoE DPS, but its boss damage was pretty gimped. Slayer could do great with a minor hit to 3+ target, but have much higher ST/prio, and 2-target. However, since Slayer is getting nerfed, it’s hard to say. If I was continuing into the next patch, I’d probably just play Fury for non-farm keys.

“Gimped” is a very strong phrasing, and not entirely correct at all.

ST damage compared to other specs that are deemed “meta” I haven’t found this to be the case post the recent buffs mid season to Colossus, while the sims still have Colossus ~70k behind slayer in their ST set-ups, it’s actual performance in keys is equal to or better than Slayer Arms in ST. The build i’ve settled on was one with Exhilarating Blows + Battlelord at the cost of 1 point of Bloodborn, with 2x deft experience as a result of pathing into Battlelord. This has pretty consistently decent ST while also being a powerhouse in AoE.

Then again I’ve almost exclusively played Colossus this season in M+ out of enjoying it’s gameplay loop more and it’s the outlet that it shines in the most between M+ and Raid (queen prog with holiday afks sucks).

I like Colossus, but it was difficult to push over a 1m sustained on a lot of bosses. It was a lot more reliable to be hitting around Fury’s ST numbers as Slayer, and not wholly relying on burst cycles for the AoE throughput.

I’m pretty sure I still performed better on average as (Slayer) Fury, but I was fully optimized for it due to CE raiding, and my Arms stats were pretty terrible. However, I’ve improved my Arms setup considerably, and I still got better results on Slayer.

Colossus is fun, but Demolish is still a disappointing ability. It needs better sound effects, and a flashier effect, imo. lol I also greatly dislike “aiming” it, and wish it was some kind of pseudo-PBAoE, or that we had some better control of how we directed it. I really hate a mob moving a nanometer at the last second, and then the angle changes considerably, and I miss multiple enemies in keys.

Yeah I’m currently logged out in my queen set atm, but there was definitely a decent performance jump for me at least with Colossus over time with the more Crit heavy pieces I got into my gearsets.
If i recall correctly i’ve got about ~12k crit rating in my Arms set atm maximising for Colossus pre flask.

I can definitely see you having a poorer experience with colossus if you’re lacking high crit % pieces and mostly going in with a mostly optimised Fury set-up which still works for Slayer Arms but provides a less than ideal indicator of Colossus performance.

Things I’ve found was mostly post mid ~20s% haste to focus entirely on Crit maximisation with some mastery/vers sprinkled in there for good measure works very well for the spec.

Never really felt that issue with aiming the demolish 3rd hit shockwave since it’s got quite a wide area of effect, but the ants in the pants tank movement cancelling a demolish cast when the 3rd hit still would’ve connected has definitely scared my cat a few times with the rage that’s followed :rofl:. Although this only really happens with mobs with very small melee hitboxes like that silly xalatath affix.

I did have a little peek at your set-ups for Arms on your logged keys and if you could snag a M queen or M track Dawnbreaker crit ring alongside catalysing a M track pair of boots those alone will make Colossus a fair bit stronger in keys anyhow until the next season when we’ll be farming up gear again. Trinket wise you’ve got a solid pairing in Skarm Shard / Sacbrood that do well for it.

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My Vault just won’t give me Arms BiS. It’s been a minute since I’ve run keys, since the only thing I care about at this point is a mythic Transmitter (though I have MQM now). Only other thing I would do now is recrafts for Crit/Haste, but I’m enjoying the minimal raiding, since the tier has been over since before the holiday break.

In any case, next patch I would play Colossus in keys, since the changes to Slayer aren’t inspiring.

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You don’t actually think that this is still a thing, do you?

We haven’t had class developers since Cata.

It’s an entire team of people who work on all class changes and balancing.

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Well doesn’t change it’s a really bad team of people then.

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And you think you could do better and NOT be bias?

Quick answer, yes.
Proper answer, yeah, because I would look at the overall picture. I would not want to see any class be relegated to being a sideline character. I would not knee jerk reaction to things like what happened to Warriors this season. I would certainly look into a balance between through put and utility. I get that people don’t want a hybrid tax, but it should be a thing. Cause look at the mess we’re in now. Most straight dps classes get to hang out in Dornogal until someone feels like inviting one. I could go into a lot of things, but damn would I not let one class be so far above absolutely everyone for this long.


That would make sense. Warriors are so experienced at making it work with nothing, that whenever it’s tuned right we dominate.