Blizz wants us to have SSD for Shadowlands?

Blizz really had to update the system requirements because of you people :frowning_face:

Solid State Drive (SSD)
100GB available space
Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
100GB available space (depending on the performance of the drive, player experience may be impacted on HDD)



SSDs are cheap, stop whining. If this was requirement 5+ years ago you might have had a case.

Mature. /tenchar

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I figured if I went down to your level I’d be able to get you to understand.

Don’t think it took though. Oh well.

No idea why people are so surprised by this. SSD’s aren’t exactly new tech and you’re doing yourself a massive disservice not having one as a PC gamer.

I have SSD drives on both of my laptop’s, but I imagine someone could play off of an external SSD drive as well, if the installation seems to difficult for them.

Looks like they changed the minimum specifications back to HDD, which doesn’t surprise me, because as I said in my first post here, Shadowlands runs just fine on a HDD.

Obviously an SSD would be better if you can afford them. If you can’t though? No worries.

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I’m really sorry to say it but if your computer didn’t already have an SSD in it, you really need to start considering upgrading your system. The differences in performance that an SSD provides compared to a standard HDD is more than worth the headache and frustration.

yes. They just bury the setting in the mouse options. First thing I turned after I found it on new mac I got.

Next annoyance is playing the keyboard games to get those function keys acting like function keys. Then changing them back when done.

Yes, but a PC would work better. :wink:

Enjoy your flagging.

Sure thing little buddy.

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Of all things wrong with systemlands I would have never guessed this would have caused the average WoW player to be upset about.

I think systemlands is in some big trouble if this is just the tip of the iceberg.

It’s because anything wrong with the expansion itself is solely on the company to fix. Forcing a hardware upgrade puts the ball in the player’s court.

While it’s true that some SSDs don’t seem that expensive… “expensive” is a relevant term.

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You also are not being this. You are complaining, pretending there is some conspiracy to get its players to buy SSDs…etc. Got you probably thing 5G gives viruses too

But BlizZard can’t keep running to this as a solution as they have to optimize their game sooner or later. :+1:

That’s why (in my personal opinion), they should have came out with WoW 2.

Allow those who like WoW to keep playing it on their cheap machines. It worked perfectly well for Starcraft and Starcraft II. It also opened the door for improvements to the engine and how it’s handled by modern hardware. While they have made strides to improve how retail WoW work on modern hardware, there is no reason I should ever get under 100 fps on a 15 year old game with a 6-core CPU and a GTX 1080. Heck, they made Overwatch. I can get over 300 fps on that game (if I turn off g-sync).

But neither are you. You are attacking me for my view.

I read it all and you’re not wrong. There are people who regularly earn enough gold to pay for their own months of WoW strictly with tokens. With being locked inside for a pandemic, it’s reasonable to think they have even more time to farm.

There are a lot of variables but assuming everyone has the money to buy something and that all of their variables are the same is just silly.

So someone found a SSD for $30. Will it always be in stock? Is that even a good SSD? Some people who currently have HDDs may have hundreds of GB of data on them that they have no backup for or that the HDD’s capacity is well beyond that SSD. Sure they can possibly make it a secondary drive but then they have to have a USB or optical drive for the fresh Windows install. My new $3000 Asus laptop did not come with an optical drive. I had to buy a USB and make my own.

While it’s all theories on further reasoning as to why they want us to buy a SSD, it’s not crazy to think there is motive. Those who think otherwise have never worked in real business.

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