Blizz took a huge gamble with 8.3

I feel like Blizz has taken a huge gamble with 8.3 because I’m sure we all can agree that they’re more focused on Shadowlands.

So with 8.3 and how it is now they aren’t focusing much attention on it or improving it all around but rather just fixing the bugs that may come along.

Tsk tsk tsk. Blizz you better make a Shadowlands beta announcement by February or the sub count is going to tank faster than Ashvane in this patch.

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It’s hardly any different from other past expansions that also had buggy last patches and Devs seemingly focused on the next expansion.

This is pretty par for the course, to be quite honest. I just hope pre-patch is sooner rather than later, I want to level but with the new changes.

Really I don’t recall having played a buggier patch than this one ever. And we haven’t even gotten to the raid yet.

And I especially don’t rmemeber Argus having any issues like this.


Also, not discrediting anyone at all, but I genuinely want to know where the bugs are. I’ve used the AH just fine, I’ve done Visions with my friend just fine, nothing has bugged out for me at all. Not saying “just because I haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it’s true!” but this is one of the smoothest experiences for a Patch that I’ve at least experienced.

Every patch is called the worst one ever released. Whether it be buggy or bad content, everyone has an opinion and their own experienced. Mine differ from a lot of others, it seems.

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I can’t believe that Ion and his team are still employed after this.

AAA games shouldn’t have this many problems out the door on an update, this is like the Fallout 76 of MMOs, it’s astounding.

Argus was massive but:

  1. There was a massive storyline gate at the beginning, which is exactly what people are mad about with this patch
  2. Had about no content besides mount grinds and rep once you were raid geared
  3. Had no flying and was annoying to navigate on foot the entire time it was current.

Don’t get my wrong I remember Argus very fondly myself, but acting as if it was the best thing ever really doesn’t work. It had a myriad of issues.

You can start here, if you’d like. I’m about 300K-400K gold in the void. Hundreds of players as well.

Is this the worse patch ever? No.
It definitely is on the top 10, at least. After 15+ years, this shouldn’t happen. It just shouldn’t.

In this case, yes you are among the very few lucky. Visions itself hasn’t bugged out on me, but I haven’t gotten a single piece of gear from the caches. They confirmed they are guaranteed, so there’s another thing happening.

That is actually exactly what you are saying.

The issue is, people remember the end of 7.3 and are comparing it to the beginning of 8.3. No one is comparing the beginning of the two patches, which had very similar problems to now. And has happened for years/expansions. The first week gets slammed, then people remember it fondly after everything has had a chance to play/iron out.

Eh, I don’t know if it’s fair to say it shouldn’t happen after so many years. Boeing, for example, has had a huge issue with their 737 Max Crisis. And that company has been in business for over 100 years. Anything to do with technology, especially coding, runs the risk of shattering if you so much as forget a comma in a string of code. Companies have huge mishaps; nothing is ever perfect, and age doesn’t always mean improvement.

I will say I haven’t gotten loot, so there is a bug that has affected me I just didn’t go in expecting loot. I’m blind to this patch and am learning as I go, so I don’t know what is or isn’t supposed to happen.

People are having problems, but I have not experienced it. So my thoughts on 8.3 are different than other people because I’m not experiencing the same bug. Is that a bit clearer for you to understand that I’m not discrediting anyone?

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Well so far I’ve DC’d mid Vision and lost my key and progress, spent 6 hours flying around 2 zones hunting rares, only to get booted from the game yet again and never managed to complete the quest in either zone.

I’ve sold hundreds of auctions and have yet received zero gold for any of them

This just the 1st week of the patch.

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I predict that shadowlands beta will be around in March. If sooner than that it would be great.

Late summer, we’ve got 9 months of this patch.

I’m sorry to hear all of those problems, I sincerely hope they get fixed.


Once again that is exactly what you are saying. I dont know why people are complaining about a buggy AH when I have not had any issues with it at all. It is fine to have that mindset it just typically doesn’t get things fixed.

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Don’t be gullible. Activision is just cutting corners to maximise profit. Activision skinned Blizzard alive and wears it as a costume.


Honestly that sounds like you need a rare hunting addon. Also that issue was fixed, and the gold was on the way.

You’re missing the point though. I haven’t seen a patch launch yet that hasn’t had bugs galore, yet they’re always forgotten as the patch is fixed and ironed out. Remember the ship to Northrend dropping people in random places in the world? How about Mythic dungeons not dropping loot, or people spawning dead in arenas? Just to name a few weird bugs in recent history.

Heck, it’s happened recently too. 8.2 saw people getting random achievements and having CTA autocomplete upon losing Wintergrasp. Every patch is buggy in it’s own awful way, it’s the nature of the beast with MMO’s

Look, if you want to simply discredit me despite me pointing out that I understand there are issues, that’s fine. I honestly don’t think pushing it back on me is worth continuing to discuss.

As I stated above, I sincerely hope the issues are fixed. I was requesting people to share information on the bugs to me because I’m not experiencing them and I’m not going out of my way to read up on isssues I haven’t experienced. I’m not the bad guy here, alright?

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What point am I missing? Someone pointed out they had not experienced issues, I listed mine. That’s it. There is no greater meaning here.


I’ve been d/c’ing during my first dungeon of the day since the patch. That’s been fun. Luckily, it seems to be happening right at the start, which means it’s not wrecking my keys.

I’ve also been hit by the AH bug, and have stopped listing my auctions for the time being.

I’ve also dc’d during one of the lesser visions, but was able to log back in and complete my quest.

My husband, on the other hand, had a massive crash that ended up reversing some of his achievements for the new pet dungeon. He’s still waiting on an open ticket to (hopefully) get it fixed.

There will always be problems, it’s true. It’s just frustrating when they happen, so we all come to the forums to vent.


Venting is fine, and bringing awareness to the issues is good. Thank you for sharing these; as I said above, I’m not going out of my way to read up on issues because I’m not experiencing them, so I’m a bit in the dark.

I do hope the issues people are experiencing are fixed. It does suck when they happen for sure.