Blizz... the lack of transparency is killin TBC

Thank you… when he said they don’t need to confirm or deny. I just can’t wrap my brain around how people think this way. We are paying to play this game.


That poster always responds to threads like that. He used to post on another name and was getting a lot of pushback from almost everyone. I’m convinced he likes to give his opinion but is too scared to read poster responses.

As for the reply to me earlier I can’t argue that the issue is partly player created. There are just things Blizzard could have done too.


Every single one of these intellectually bankrupt ’LOL IMAGINE BLAMING BLIZZARD FOR NOT MANAGING THEIR OWN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LOL’ shills would just as easily tell a player who was against transferring servers that said player’s concern about playing on a dead server is a ‘player-created problem’ because Blizzard offers server transfers to not-dead servers.


I love it when Karens get mad at people for not raising a pitchfork at Blizz for the player’s bad decisions lol.

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care to elaborate? what player’s bad decisions are those? And what is the right decision then? Cuz honestly I have no idea what you’re talking about. All I’m asking is for Blizzard to respond to the players… there’s no pitchfork.


For starters rolling a pvp server in 2021 is a huge mistake, Karen.

Yaaas I want to like speak to your manager.

Didn’t roll on a pvp server in 2021 been there from the start carebear

Oh man he called me a carebear oh noes.

same can be said for “karen” honey

Well you are the one throwing a fit and demanding to talk to the manager soooo…

I’m throwing no fit at all, why is asking for feedback a problem? We are paying customers aren’t we?


No offense, but I don’t think you’re seeing the big picture. Transfers are just part of it. What you need to understand is that the game peaked already…months ago. That wasn’t the case when the game was current. Now you’ve got servers where it’s becoming more and more difficult to get things done. Blizzard has done nothing, so people transfer. They should have been connecting realms over the summer when this started getting bad.


that guy is a troll if you cant tell

I don’t think most people care. There’s a handful of people saying, “Blizzard! I am mad at you. Say something. Do something!”

But most people are just enjoying the game. If your server is dead, you have options. :slight_smile:

As I said in my OP to me dead server isn’t a big deal. I come from a server with a history of it being one of the deadest. (skeram). The options people have are not solutions.

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Tomato tomato.

A lot of people actually do care, that’s why this topic has been everywhere and why people go to customer support. It’s why the forums have been flooded with this topic and will continue to be until there are only a few viable servers left. When you’re talking about at least 25% of forum threads created by different people you can’t use words like “only a handful”.

I know you’re happy with your reroll guild and I’m sure that those who decided to reroll by their own choice are happy to be there. That doesn’t mean that the other 80% of people WANT to leave their servers and go to soulless and toxic mega servers.

I get the impression that you came back, saw your Classic server was having issues and then you rerolled immediately. I doubt you’ve seen how negative the overall atmosphere of servers get when people start transferring off.


Sure you can. Of the people with strong enough complaints to complain on the forums, there may be a somewhat overrepresentation of people complaining about paying $25 to lizzard, or whatever. But it’s a small number of people, it seems.

From my perspective, there are a lot of people playing and enjoying the game. That sometimes means finding a new home on a different server.

It doesn’t mean that anyone wants to server transfer. But so what?

I’ve been on Faerlina since WoW Classic name reservations. I have characters on other servers also though.

You may be looking for some, “You haven’t experienced this, so you don’t know.” type scenario, but I do know. I have experienced it. I’ve had guilds transfer away from me, I’ve had characters on servers that have died. I have a Horde Warrior who cleared Naxx is on Kurinnaxx.

I too have been “scorned by Blizzard” but rather than complain about it, I’ve found ways to enjoy myself playing a game I like, rather than point a finger, get angry, complain and spread negativity. Others can do this, too.

So basically your solution is to keep transferring giving blizzard more money in order to keep playing. Yeah… no that’s not how it’s supposed to be. People should not have to keep paying transfer fee’s just to “enjoy themselves”. Maybe that suits you but I can guarantee most people that is not the case.

2ndly I am hardly “getting angry, complaining and spreading negativity” as you so eloquently put… all I want is feedback from blizzard. I honestly don’t get why that is such an issue with some of you.

3rdly, your main is on faerlina… I think that’s pretty much sums up why you have the opinion you have.


One solution is to transfer, yes. If you wish to keep playing the same character with a different population of others on that same faction, then absolutely that is how you solve that problem.

Another is to reroll. This is also a fine solution that works.

What does “supposed to be” mean? “That’s not what I want.” OK, cool.

You cannot guarantee that.

It isn’t an issue. There are solutions, and they are the same solutions we’ve had for as long as WoW has existed.

I rolled this character about a month ago, started a Dungeon Leveling guild, grew it to have around 40-50 people online at any given time (and growing!), leveling in dungeons, farming pre-bis, and some of us now doing heroics, attunements and raids. We are having fun, being the solutions to whatever problems may exist, and others can do this too.

We have the tools at our disposal to enjoy ourselves on the platform that we have. That’s what I’m saying.

You want to complain? You feel better about doing nothing but blaming others? OK. That’s you.