Give us a few months of Awakened Raids, fix your classes. Hire someone other than a badly made AI to balance the classes.
So many complaints about casts being canceled early, rogues…being rogues, Ive had more than a few times where Ruination did ZERO damage.
I get you need to feed the content hungry but you keep breaking the game every patch.
Take some time, scale it back, fix the classes. People can sniff Xals feet in the meantime.
Classes have never, and will never, be balanced.
We’re not giving up a raid tier for some dream that will never happen.
WOTLK, Cata and MoP had decent balance. Its been getting progressively worse. And its not even fully balancing classes, there more than a few bugs that need ironed out instead of being put on the backburner.
awakened raids like naw. i’d rather not have a few months of doing raids i’ve already done. that would absolutely kill player retention.
do you know what wotlk, cata, and mop didn’t have? m+. make m+ go away and balance will be 100% better.
this is laughable
never going to happen unless they want to kill the game
Hero Talents were a mistake. They should have used that time and energy to fix the existing talents (and classes) instead.
But they needed Hero Talents as a marketing hook. “We finally cleaned up our botched job” doesn’t have quite the same marketing ring.
That was a troll comment i made, but not really. people would still play this game without m+ except for a loud minority.
Hero talents could’ve worked if they just made them buff up specific skills instead of introducing new stuff to clog up the systems.
I just wish they would slow down. There is a lot of content left. I’ve never understood why they rush things as much as they do.
There are classes that are still in the early design phases of beta, lol. No amount of tuning is fixing aldrachi reaver for example.
The main problem with Hero Talents is that they gave a new quota to meet, where they have to come up with 45 new talents for each class, regardless of whether they were needed or not, and regardless of whether the new talents are interesting or even do anything.
Without Hero Talents mandating new talent quotas, they could have left the classes that were finished pretty much alone, and put that work into classes and specs that actually needed it.
Instead, they spent YET ANOTHER MOUNTAIN OF TIME AND ENERGY on their favorites (Warriors, Paladins, etc.) and the usual red-headed stepchildren got put off until the last minute.
im sure some people would play but a huge chunk of their player base would quit. i also love when people say things like minority’s and majority’s when they have no idea the actually number of participants in any given activity.
No it isn’t.

I just wish they would slow down. There is a lot of content left. I’ve never understood why they rush things as much as they do.
They listen to the tourists too much.
You know, the ones who do everything on the easiest difficulty, once, and then start screaming about CONTENT DROUGHT!!!
Or the people who make each new class/race added to the game, play it for ten minutes, and then start screaming WE NEED NEW CLASSES AND RACES!!!
They have the attention span of a gnat. No amount of rushed and botched content will ever satisfy them, and it’s foolish of Blizzard to even try.
Just test better. And stop using crowdsourced and influencer tests in favor of paid, professional QA.
none of those expansions had great balance at all.

They listen to the tourists too much.
It’s not really any demographic specifically. They listen to too many demographics in general and attempt to please all of them, and not-so-shockingly fail because that’s impossible. They need to reign it in and figure out who exactly they want to please, and “everyone” is not an answer.