Blizz really needs to tweak the party sync system for the low lvl Random BG

I will admit I am a pvp addicted altoholic who really enjoys the Random BG’s while leveling and takes forever to level up any alt.

Anyways, lately, I have been noticing a certain trend, either you win by a landslide or you loose like a complete chump, no in-between, that and some instant deaths.

Today I realized why, since I was killed a literal light orbital strike at LVL 19!!

Everytime i went and found that particular player, it was instant death for sure, and everyone just stoped ressing and waited for the match to be over so we would not eat a massive light induced beating AND the punishment for abandoning a Random BG.

Plz blizz, limit the capabilities of the party sync people in lower levels or, if you cant figure it out, ban it altogether, but pvp in this espac is bad enough as it is to have to worry about it in lower level RBG that are just fun and a way of keeping the level grind interesting.

RBG = Rated Battlegrounds btw, but you mean Random I got it.
Imagine how long the queues would be without party Sync.
This is what happens since they removed a decent amount of the playerbase.
Healer cap has been removed too, so this is quite awkward also.

Games are better now?

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Games are horrible now. If you lose you wasted your time and got 1 bar of xp, not really any better than doing nothing, worse than doing a cooking and fishing daily.

Spy shows the actual levels of the players on the opposing team, so you can see how many 120’s are in premades against you. It was never this bad when there were twinks.

One bar of xp. Why would any leveler queue again?

The thing that interests me right now is this - if a 120 gears for what he knows will transfer down synced (stats+enchants) how are they performing vs a synced 120 that doesn’t? I’ve faced the “I just synced down my everyday gear/chants” type, they weren’t an issue. How much of an issue are the ones that gear exactly for the sync?

I thought party syncers were given templates in the low lvl bgs.

This is findable on XPOFF website(as expected). Party syncers have three to four things going for them. OP consumables(they can use max lvl consumables and stuff, most of them), rare enchant stuff working(Death knights rune enchant I think), and heirlooms. Azerite powers as well, if 110+. Thats all, but it adds up with the abilities that death knights and DHs get in low brackets where most classes have very little or not as much. Sure its scaled, but every advantage adds up. My Vengence Demon hunter was pretty good in the 49 bracket, and i didn’t even have the OP consumables. This very likely can change in Shadowlands, from what it looks like it with the revamp happening. I am not sure if corrupted effects work, but I don’t think so.

Edit: I know this though because I tested it when it came out, way before the guide was released on xpoff.

And of course, the template they get for 119 is decently strong, so it makes sense they are op there when they have premades.


As expected is right. :rofl: I haven’t visited xpoff since the queue separation, but can easily imagine players maximizing for what will scale down. We tested it on a 120 MM all the way down to 29. Scaled horribly due to mastery. We didn’t test on that MM with gear swapped accounting for the scaling though (haste+crit per se) and that def might make a difference.

So far I’ve encountered standard scaled DH and DK on the lowbie BGs. Haven’t had issue with them, they die as readily as any other class.

Either they nerfed them since ive been in there, or they are not optimized for it or they don’t understand how to play it vs max lvl. Gear doesn’t matter at all except for heirlooms, 5% primary stat bonus, and for melee your weapon dps. Otherwise its completely templated in terms of gear, unless i missed something(not including azerite powers or consumables) (Oh and potentially stamina changes I forget). Even for heirlooms, only the proc or on use stuff matters, not the gear portion. You can also not gem or enchant heirlooms because that portion is instantly disabled.

With allied races, I imagine the 19 bracket would have really bad queue times without party sync tho.

only a few boas with on use work when synced but almost all consumables work and are scaled down. bfa battle potions for example.

You can actually make a usable synced down 120? Maybe my Paladin or Warrior can actually play…

They should really just remove XP from Battlegrounds, games will be much better then.

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The 120 syncers have really leveled up, even my 119 twinks have trouble against their premades. Its a little out of hand when even the twink can’t compare(to be fair it is a group vs 1 person but still).


They can’t do that.

I figured it out. It’s not about conquest. It’s about raiders being required to grind massive amounts of honor to rank up certain essences on all their alts. Isn’t rank 4 Blood of the Enemy, the prestige rank, still 100k honor? That’s an unlimited number of mythic raiders who are going to put in 40 hours per alt grinding that out.

Of course they deserve an easy time of it. Levelers don’t matter one bit to blizz.

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Now you are making sense.
This whole segregation between XPon and XPoff had nothing to do with protecting the leveler.
It was all about pushing the new Systems which are introduced to 120s via Grind.
Increased Engagement which correlates with MAU statistics.
Shareholders are important.