this HyperSpawn:Remix event is so flawed. LOL. Can you just wipe it, tune / fix it for what you actually want it to be.
Than, relaunch it. Thx!
this HyperSpawn:Remix event is so flawed. LOL. Can you just wipe it, tune / fix it for what you actually want it to be.
Than, relaunch it. Thx!
It’s too late for that. And a lot of the problems like hyperspawns and scaling issues have been in the game for years now. It’s not just a Remix issue.
You’re right, it’s not. Remix just puts a spotlight on it.
Did you see the launch trailer? The idea from the beginning was to be ‘absurd.’
During MOP, they had to resolve an issue with the hyperspawn of Frogs on Timeless Isle. Only back then it was an influx of timeless coins they were trying to fix. If they had maintained that fix going into Remix, many of the current problems might not exist.
bro who cares, enjoy getting carried and collecting stuff.
Well they definitely executed the absurdity. In all the worst ways.
your opinion.
It is stupid that remix will go down in history as the event that was all about whack-a-mole of hyperspawn farms and how it broke the event.
Frogs, Goats, HoF, CRANES now… I know there are a ton more.
Maybe it should be called “Cat and Mouse : Remix” Just a segment of the playerbase trying to stay 1 step ahead of the dev team.
The devs playing whack a mole to squeeze subs out is honestly idiotic. I get frogs. The rest is whatever. Me getting the equivalent of now 2 dailies worth of stats off an hour and a half if goats ain’t breaking anything. I’ve put in roughly 30 hours already, would have liked if the event only used 40-50 hours of my time. They seem to have a target of 100 hours I think.
Nah its fun. IDGAF about farming, so the event is just pure fun.
But, it’s not broken. Not for me out running quest chains and killing rare spawns. I had a zandalari scout half dead solo before folks jumped in, but I knew better than to jump the warbringer solo. Called out for help, and 4 of us got it done. I’m picking up a level per 5 or 6 quests, it’s stupid fast. Anyway…
I’ve been complaining about that garbage for a long time… Blizzard does not care.
I’m assuming the hyper spawns were an interns brilliant idea on how to prevent player bottle-necking on quest objectives and farm locations… which shouldn’t realistically be prevented in the first place, because it’s an mmo, and you want players interacting with each other, and respawn rates are a built in passive player interactivity instigator… if that makes sense.
No, Blizzard knew these farms would be an issue, otherwise they have absolutely no idea how their own game works, which I refuse to believe that’s the case… at least not yet.
I’ve been complaining about scaling. Scaling has been a huge issue since mid-Legion and now in Remix you can get one-shot in some Heroic stuff. Been hit for anywhere from 200k-600k damage. It’s crazy.
Hyperspawns don’t bother me. So people get done with what they’ve farmed. It seems like a small amount of people willing to do that. I personally just do dailies, and that gives a ton. It’s also just a temporary mode for cosmetics. All the gear from it gets nerfed once the character converts over to regular WoW in August.
But yeah, those farms have been there for a while. I’m sure they knew of them.
LMAO!!! Cranes nerfed.
(NERFED) Wildfeather Cranes - New Hyperspawning Bronze Farm in MoP Remix
Idk why so many nerfs when gmthe idea its having fun
It wasn’t Blizzard Approved fun.
Now they just need to nerf the Dalaran farm and the Ordos farm and what ever else is goign on.
You are too late, Champion! With the RemixMoP under my control, I can siphon the frog energy from Azeroth’s ley lines directly into my magnificent self!
Drained of magic, your world will be ripe for destruction by my OP godmode cloak… and my power will be limitless!
Eat magic, imposter!