Blizz, please, shut it down. LOL

Well… if people would realize it’s not the cloak that’s giving them all the OPness then maybe Blizz wouldn’t continue nerfing all the ways people keep obsessing over them.

Bronze acquisition has been increased and probably will continue to be. You can get 13k a day through dailies and the normal raid already.

There’s 80-some-odd days left. All of the Remix-unique rewards are cheap.

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Why shut it down? It’s never let people earn anything beyond what it was intended to. We can’t use our bronze at Amazon, although I’ll be impressed if people can find a way to exploit this into a token through creative arbitrage.

But the hit to Blizzard’s reputation over game balance for something that doesn’t even matter? Pretty expensive to Blizzard, IMO.

i got finished with the achievements that unlock mounts mogs pets and toys today
working on the rings and neck now lol

Just resurrect an old toon from MoP that you abandoned and play Chromie time MoP.

I have an evoker now on Moonguard cause of this remix and maybe I’ll make a Warrior so I can RP that I’m saving the universe in the hyperspawns!

Perhaps not for you. But it is for others. Regardless, only the most controversial and most popular narrative will matter historically. And that is the hyperspawn whack-a-mole.

now with 16x the hyperspawns.

“That’s not the way we intended the game to be played.” - Bliz Dev stroking his beard with the ominous lighting on their face

That’s on Blizzard for 1) allowing this hyperspawn nonsense to be so lucrative and 2)having the baseline bronze acquisition be so low compared to how much bronze you need if you want to collect everything.

If the resource rates from normal play were higher, it wouldn’t really matter if people got a head start with frogs and what came after.

If hyperspawns either didn’t happen or triggered reduced rewards (because the purpose of them is to prevent idle time due to respawns while questing, nothing else), there would have been no issues.


My favorite part is that all of this was reported on the PTR and none of it was fixed, especially Gulp Frogs.

You’re 100% correct. It’s absolutely on blizz for not actually properly play-testing the event. It’s not like it’s a secret that wow players will always do whatever is the fastest and most effective thing to get to the end-goal. How they still haven’t figured this out yet is mind boggling. Especially so when we consider the well known behaviour of the playerbase and gulp frogs on the timeless isle.

Wanna know something funny? There was a thread made more than a month ago in Bug Reports about how the scaling is broken in the highmountain tauren allied quest.

How do you fix it? You get to level 65.

Now, where do the scaling issues in Remix typically start?

And people wonder why there are crest caps, conquest caps, weekly raid lockouts etc.

Nah people will forget about most of this stuff in a year and be asking when we’re getting another remix and the same issues will happen and the circle will then be complete.

This is just round 1. Round 2 will come with Legion I’m sure.

But it’s an easy fix, really. They took the time to figure out how strong a dedicated player would be; do that, but instead of doing a stat rollback, just put a debuff in all instanced combat that caps your stats at that level, and raise that cap each day.

They never did anything to the gulp frogs until Remix. There wasn’t anything worthy of fixing.

I don’t even understand their goal with nerfing it, like oh no some people will finish the entire thing within a couple days… Like you just launched a new Classic xpac as well as S4 just a month ago, who cares if its not something that is drawn out all 3 months. if they were really worried about active users within the Remix stuff, just make XP boost on the cloak fully account-wide and immediately anyone who’s leveling an alt on live it’ll be best to do it through there.

They could have so very easily just made this a fun event that let people quickly get a bunch of old cosmetics that would have a huge window for people to get into if they wanted it but instead? Nah lets nerf everything so those late to the party are stuck grinding daily.