Blizz: please shift DHKs to Phase 3

Up front, I have zero problem with Dishonorable Kills being in Classic WoW because authenticity is paramount.

That said, there was indeed a brief period in Vanilla when the honor system was added (Classic Phase 2) and there were NO dishonorable kills until battlegrounds were added (Classic Phase 3).

There are obviously a LOT of players who don’t like dishonorable kills and really want that brief period where they could do city raids without worrying about them.

From an authenticity standpoint, I think it makes a lot of sense to start the Honor System in Phase 2, as planned, but to delay the implementation of dishonorable kills until Phase 3…

This will give EVERYONE a more authentic Vanilla experience and hopefully make more players satisfied with the rollout of Classic.

If you have an opinion on this, feel free to post agreement or disagreement.


This seems like a fair request to me.


If they do it that way, why wouldn’t you rank by just gathering up a raid and camping in major cities all night?

There won’t be Battlegrounds at that stage so hope you didn’t need to do anything in Ironforge…


Once again, my primary concern is that Classic try to be as authentic to Vanilla as possible, at least in what can reasonably be implemented by Blizzard.

I don’t have access to their internal server code, but I suspect that disabling DHKs in Phase 2 would be a lot less complicated than some of the other things that would also improve authenticity.

I want to have that period of time as well, but once ranking starts they have to consider how players are going about farming honor.

“Hello Stormwind, we’ll be here all night!” - <3 Warsong Axemen

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That’s fair, but was that the Vanilla experience? Even so, it will only last for one phase

No, but might it be if a raid can camp high traffic areas without fear of DHKs?

I’m not trying to minimize the concern, but that’s kind of what happens, though, when you sign up on a pvp server


It’s super fun too. I can see from their point of view though the problems that creates if the AH is inaccessible for a whole patch and other shenanigans. Those filthy Alliance don’t need no AH, but yeah.

Personally I love city raids, good times.

If that were the case, then it would be nice for Blizz to say that they don’t want DHKs, even for Phase 2, because of the griefing of things like the AH

Blizz, screw that, and remove the cancer that is DHK all together. Thank you.


you cant really sit in a major enemy capital city for a prolonged period, you will almost certainly be outnumbered, anyone who doesn’t attack you cant be attacked.
And you have to deal with rezes. you have a significantly shorter corpse run in your own capital city than if you die in an opposing one.

This is the most authentic implementation, and validly matches the original Vanilla rollout. You even get a slight boost having it for 3 months instead of 43 days.

That greatly depends on the stones of the enemy faction lol. Ask anyone on Emerald Dream in the glory days of nightly raids on Stormwind.

I mean if there are not people fighting you, you are not gaining honor.

Oh there were, loads.

I like this idea.


Is that limited to a PvP server though?

You can’t be camped on a pve server

No, keep DHK in phase 2. As long as there are honorable kills, there should be punishment.

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