@Blizz - PLEASE MERGE LOW POP REALMS. We are dying everyday and NEED your help

We know Blizzard is looking at realm populations and choosing to ignore speaking to the community about TBC Classic realm populations, as there are some transfer initiatives for Classic realms (Non TBC)

Today they announced new upcoming servers for Classic WoW. We demand an update on TBC Classic servers. Recognize us and do something


Jinx Merge the Servers Already! - #2 by Crixshot-arcanite-reaper


100% agree. We only have 2 main guild on horde on reaper. Along with only about 300 items in the AH. It really needs a merger. But I do like killing Rock Bottom.

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Get Willee or whoever to make a video on this. He is good at addressing these problems.

Is he making FF and New World videos now? Even he sees the writing on the wall like all the other content creators who left. Impressive blizzard managed to ruin something people were so passionate about.

they have not “merged” classic servers and those are REALLY dead
dont get your hopes on them doing something for TBCC

They’ve not merged but least offered free transfers from those server to consolidate all on certain servers. Whitemane and Mankirk.

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More visibility. I don’t enjoy playing on a realm with 20 people on a day. Not paying Blizzard anymore money.

I feel for those who joined late and didn’t know which realms were low or what. I also feel for those who chose in the beginning a low pop server.

That being said, if you chose to opt out of your server due to queues or resource contention,you made your bed. Now you get to sleep in it.

To a large degree. It’s a player created problem. I mean heck. When Classic Vanilla first came out, there literally was a popup that said “This realm is full. You may experience long queues times, etc”. And people rolled there anyway. Then they turned around and blamed Blizzard.

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I’m the GM of the last remaining Horde guild on Stalagg. When I started Classic there were 7-8 hour queues sometimes to get in. The server just died through means of folks transferring their toons off to other servers, and ironically enough many of the guilds that xferred fell apart or are having roster struggles heading into t5 on the high pop servers they moved to.

Through some miracle, we’ve been able to absorb pretty much all the remaining players (non-bots) and have an active raid core. We run 25s and have 3-4 kara groups running every week. We stepped our foot into SSC for some trash farming last week, and will make a push to get the first 3 bosses down this Sunday. We have a good group of folks, but there is no depth to our roster and attrition is eventually going to win out and we won’t be able to do any content which will simply lead to everyone likely just quitting WoW and moving on to other things.

Many folks have commented on it, and the writing on the wall is very clear. As long as guilds/players are willing to pay $$ to xfer off, I wouldn’t expect any other kind of resolution to come any time soon. You answered your own question with your post while indicating the several guilds choosing to transfer off of your server. As long as Blizzard is receiving revenue from the transfers, they have no motivation unfortunately to come up with another solution.

Blizzard really dropped the ball with both the Vanilla and TBC classic releases by not utilizing some sort of strategy surrounding when transfers are allowed. Poor Server & PvP balance and health obviously wasn’t considered with their classic strategy in the grand scheme of things, and that is ultimately what lead us to this position IMO. It would be interesting to see some numbers on how many subs they have actually lost to the game and these servers simply dying vs the amount of revenue received from transfers. That is some data that might be able to be extrapolated from their quarterly SEC filings, and I plan to take a look.

It has been nice doing kind of a Solo-Self Found mode on this dead server, and our guild has really come together to get all of our crafts, enchants, rep grinds, heroics, and attunements done for everybody. Everyone has multiple alts to plug necessary roles for our 10 and 25 man rosters, but this also leads to everyone needing to play a TON to even do basic level content which will inevitably lead to burnout and less sub money for Blizzard.

If they simply merged some of the dead servers that would create enough of a population to keep guilds like ours afloat while still giving the folks that prefer the gameplay on a dead/low pop server in tact. Would be a great solution while still leaving the door open for them to suck transfer fee revenue out of players. However, I doubt this will ever happen and I honestly don’t know why but with my experience with blizzard if it seems like a reasonable solution it’ll just never happen lol.


That’s the thing, people opted out due to queues and then blizzard REMOVED queues, turning what would have been a small player made problem into a game ruining blizzard money making opportunity. Even then, the players that contributed to the issue on the large servers are having a blast, while the people who made the smart choice and rolled to a smaller sever are being punished.


They did let servers become like this in the past.

This is the authentic TBC experience.

We thought we wanted it, but…

No it isn’t.

For one TBC was the only expansion available. Now players are split between Shadowlands, TBC and classic.

Secondly, TBC was fresh content at the time, now its not.

So no, its not similar to the “past” the playerbase is smaller now and just like it was before and still is now, its Blizzards job to correct the situation.

In the past they offered free transfers, eventually they merged servers. Either way its Blizzards job to fix it.


I do feel for them.

No, they offered controlled transfers. If you weren’t eligible, you couldn’t do it.

…unless you paid for it, of course.


…In Mists of Pandaria. Not Vanilla TBC.

Cancel your subscriptions and leave feedback in the reasons why you’re cancelling. Expect content creators and more of the community to be aware of these server population issues plaguing Classic WoW in the near future. The community deserves a response from Blizzard already…

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Sign and share this. We deserve better as paying customers. Share share share

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Keeping it visible.

We need some love from Blizzard.

let it go, no more blizzard

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