Blizz not responding to tickets?

I have had a ticket in for 15 hours, and have watched the “average wait time” tick up to 36 hours now. Every hour that passed today, just added an hour to the wait. Does Blizz not respond to tickets on the weekend? I thought it was 24/7/365, seems like my issue would be an easy fix.


Well, what is the ticket about? It may not even require a ticket.


They absolutely respond to tickets on the weekend, as people posting on the forum even today can note. The wait time you see is an average wait time, and fluctuates depending on how many tickets there are in queue. There was probably a large bump in tickets causing that, though your ticket should still be responded to in due time - they answer tickets as they get them.


It may be. But there are many, many tickets in line before yours, and it’s a first come, first serve system. No one except Blizz and the player knows what the other tickets before yours are about until they’re reached in the queue, and it’s extremely likely that they’re a little more complicated.


Should be noted the wait time is a estimate could be sooner or longer then given.

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The average wait time only pertains to new tickets. It’s not a countdown for yours specifically. You’re still in your original spot in line.


Have u tried a FUll UI reset on a chance that it mite help.

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Yeah, I’ve tried everything I know how to do, and what I’ve seen others do. The only “actual” solution I have seen a user post for this problem was a GM marking the quest complete.

I just have never submitted a ticket before, so don’t know how it works. I think I remember once many years ago just messaging someone in-game, but pretty sure they don’t do that anymore.

The only other thing is ur out dpsing the event which can happen 2 expansions later try slowing down when attacking garrosh give the game time to catch up.


They’ll only do that in the most extreme of circumstances where there’s nothing that the user or the GM can do in such a case. If you’re breaking scripted events, this does happen quite regularly.

Once a GM gets to your ticket, they’ll make a determination at that time.

GM dont in game mssg unless its necessary and 9x/10 it isnt.

I’d give this one a try. DPSing too fast can break highly-scripted encounters.


Dude, I have fought him Shrek style, naked with fists. Just an orc in his underwear. I liked my bug report above.

Also, please bear in mind that a GM can only mark the quest completenif they have been given permission to from the dev team.

In other words, just because it is a known bug does not mean they can bypass it at will. Hopefully this is not the case for you and they can zip you right along, though.

I thought about that, check out the linked bug report above. The script actually never even starts.

Hey you never said what you tried just a vauge statement that i tried everything ive seen others do and tried thats hundreds of things.

I linked the bug report forum post above, details of the bug and my actions are there. I was really just posting here wondering if they work tickets on the weekend.

yes they do. Blizzard CS works 24/7, it just the forums that are not constantly staffed. Tickets are triaged, stuff for older content are lower on the list.

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