Blizz lied to us: Cloak EXP nerf killed my interests in this event

Once you hit an infinite power achieve stats carry over to your alts stop spreading false info.

No you cant. There is no power leveling on retail. The fastest way to level is questing in WoD. It takes 14 hours. It documented and proved. Stop lying.

100%. Zero point in leveling alts through this. You can get a character to +500% XP w/ raids quite easily… but then every alt will just roll w/ 2XP to start, and you have to re-grind those same raids/quests at that slow starter pace AGAIN. No thanks, not remotely interested in that.

I have two Timerunners and I’m not making a 3rd.

Wrong. Stats carry over to a degree (not 1:1) and the highest rate is at Infinite Power XII.
Just made a brand new toon so I could post the stats exactly as they are.
+150 Intellect
+750 Stamina
0 crit, haste, leech, mastery, speed
+150 Versatility
+100% Experience Gain

Overall, overpowered. You 1 shot basically everything you run into for quite a while when leveling a brand new toon with stats this high.

What Infinite Power achievement did you get to? My first alt after hitting infinite power 12 has a +100% experience and then it will grow as that toon is leveled up.

Yeah, they start as ‘double xp’ (+100%) and you still have to re-farm all the same raids/quests/etc. on each one.

Not remotely “OP” as the advertisements led us to believe. Also not a huge deal, I just stopped at 2 Timerunners since a third isn’t worth re-grinding all those quests.

Oh, I mistook what you meant by “2xp”

The fact is though, that stats from your highest MoP Remix character are supposed to be on ALL your Remix characters. In other words, the cloak was just a shared item between them all. Watch Blizz’s own video:

Yes, I’m not denying that. I agree with you, we were lead to expect something that we absolutely didn’t get and I just hope that Blizzard reverts it tomorrow.

As well as make some other, vital changes…

Oh man i don’t know why you are complaining. You are already level faster in remix then ever before. If you want to level instantly buy a level boost…

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Great input, really contributes to the conversation, but I’ll clue you in on why I am complaining. I spent money- you know, REAL WORLD currency lol- coming back to WoW because of how they advertised this event. See my post above with a link to the WoW Remix Trailer. I level alts, in fact I cancelled in BfA after they changed how Heirlooms work. I ONLY came back to have fun in this event.

That’s why, do you understand now? It’s because they advertised to me something that they did not deliver. If you still don’t know why we are complaining I cannot make it clearer. I spent money because of false advertising lol


I thought this as well. as i made alts after i got a few levels on my main (Like 13-15)
the stats were not impressive at all until i got
“Infinite power X” achievement.
the few alts ive started since then have a buffed cloak. so i suspect its best to not get your alts a cloak until your main had gotten some high achievements for their cloak

Incorrect. I can level faster on retail right now than I can on remix. Just because some people don’t know how to level quickly on retail doesn’t mean remix is faster, it’s just faster for people who don’t know what they’re doing.