Blizz lied to us: Cloak EXP nerf killed my interests in this event

Mine was at 155 last night but idk if it capped there or not. Haven’t logged in today

Ugh. I’m more than happy to farm content and beef up the stats on this thing in the hopes that they undo the alt decision, but if I can’t get it any higher, then I’ve already lost motivation.


That testing period on the PTR is now starting to feel a bit sinister to me. Any of you familiar with how some game publishers will wait until reviews for a game go out before stuffing it with things like microtransactions that would tank the review score? Remix is kinda feeling like that now. Get everyone hyped and excited from the experience on the PTR, then ruin everything by the time it goes live but hide it just deep enough that the metrics look great the first few days so they can have some pretty graphs to show off.


The xp nerf does suck but also is still pretty decent. At 6 hours in on my second character in the event, I am at level 66 with 182% xp buff. It starts off at a baseline of 100% but can go up past that as you gain threads on that character. Would still be nice if the xp wasn’t capped.

I feel like the xp boost didn’t work on my main past lvl 65 or around there. Last night before I hit 70 I was only getting the exact amt of xp quests were showing even with over 150% xp boost

yeah all saw that 300% exp only 100% ,im level 70 and have 40k bronze :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Literally false advertisement then… Wth


You can level 10-70 on retail in under 6 hours with power leveling, and I can literally level myself through running dungeons with a twink at level 11 and finishing with timewalking dungeons from 60-70 in about the same time frame. That means it isn’t any faster than normal, and we can’t use the characters on retail for months, nor do we keep any of the gear we have to spend time on upgrading. It’s awful, and the people not wanting to admit that it is are the ones who will stop them from fixing it.

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It’s starting to seem more and more like this is exactly what their plan was the entire time. Make it seem way better than it was on PTR so everyone sees that to get excited about it. Even having thousands of people resubbing to play the game mode, but don’t have ANY posts or ANYTHING that even mentions the possibility of the cape not carrying over. That was the promise of the original video we all saw during the announcement. It’s 100% false advertising.


How will blizzard keep their boots clean without the boot-lickers tho! THINK OF THE POOR BILLION DOLLAR CORPORATION!


There is so little justification for having this mode now that it is puzzling. Might as well get the required level to do the raids you want items from and then dip. All of the new things that were added were reskins except for the Garrosh shoulders I think, so wooooo.

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When I got to the upper level 60s to 70, I felt that “overpowered” fit, but not for my character. The NPCs took a ton of damage and were meleeing (not special ability, just melee auto attack) for 1/4th my health.

100% I was gonna play this mode like no tomorrow but that xp nerf killed all interest in this mode. Leave it to blizz to build hype and then kill it.


It’s even worse than that though because it wasn’t just hype. They sold thousands of subs based on people coming back to the game specifically for the xp buff, for it to be NOTHING like what it was advertised as. They deserve refunds or Blizz needs to fix it and make it like it was on PTR since that’s what they thought everyone should see during the build up to launch.


it would be fine if you could just transfer to alts

The change to the cloak is horrible.

The scaling is awful.

The cost of upgrading gear is insane.

This event is up for 90-ish days. It needs to be fixed because it will be a ghost town next week if not.

All I can think of is that someone got worried it would cut into level boost sales. Cap the amount of timerunners you can have on an account to 5 or something in that case, don’t ruin the entire damn thing.


Wow, what a let down. I bought the marketing hype and was looking forward to the event on that basis. The marketing team clearly understood the assignment and what was important about it. Why would the implementation team turn them into liars?

to me this now feels like another version of seasons of discovery which i have less then 0 interest in

A straight up lie from Blizzard. Evidence right there.

Love it on the video says that straight up ALL bonuses are shared on all remix toons.

Lying company Blizzard.


I smell a lawsuit…