Blizz lied to us: Cloak EXP nerf killed my interests in this event

I feel really upset about the cloak EXP boost for alts being nerfed. What we had on the PTR is what made people pumped about this event, now it kinda sucks.

Yeah there are some cool cosmetics, but instead of me really enjoying this event with a bunch of alts power leveling, I’m basically going to get one toon leveled, get a couple cosmetics, and unsub.

Scaling sucks, I don’t feel “overpowered” at all. I get weaker the higher level I am. Retail leveling alts is faster.

Unless this was some sort of accidental mistake about cloak exp (but given how it’s been implemented, it doesn’t feel like it) then this feels like a total bait and switch after the community and content creators were sold on the event from the PTR and interviews.

They need to change it back to how it was on PTR! I am so disappointed.


Seconded and agreed 100%

They lied.

False advertisement.

A mode I was extremely interested in and looking forward to is now trashed.

I’ll be lucky to get a few pieces of transmog and quit to never return in the first few days, whereas at the beginning I was looking forward to spending the entire 95 days messing around with alts.

Now I just feel like its just an example of another blizz lie and I dont even want to partake.

What a slap in the face.


I am a little confused? What did they do to cloak EXP exactly?

Think the scaling needs to be looked at before anything. Also I’m sure as we get closer to end of this event we’ll see buffs to QoL


It is hard capped at 100% exp boost on alts, whereas in the PTR, people had up to 300%+ exp gain on alts.

Also, NONE of the stats carry over to alts, they are all at ZERO (0)

The ENTIRE selling point of remix that Blizzard themselves advertised it as , was that the exp and stats would carry over to alts making it a fun and streamlined FAST leveling experience for alts. It was like this in the PTR, now it isnt.

Now its just a slog and even worse than retail if you account for the horrible scaling.

Total scam.


Oh my god… what the hell? That really sucks. I was looking forward to alts, too… Man…


Bait and switch - shame on you Blizzard.


On the PTR, you could level up your cloak 300%+ boosted xp because it would continually increase through getting the threads of fate boosts from killing stuff.

Since the cloak is account wide, those boosts would be passed on to your alts.

Now it’s hard capped at 100%.

I’m not saying it shouldn’t have a cap (the initial 324% cap was fine), but 100% only doesn’t make it any faster than retail, especially with the scaling being and joke gear level upgrades being insanely expensive.

They basically nerfed the whole “overpowered” thing out of the event. So much for that tagline…


What is even the point? That was the only reason I was going to push it further. Why in the world would you be getting 12% threads from normal raids if youre already capped?


Yea, thought I could progress the exp more by playing alts, but nope. This really ruins the event.


I very rarely post on the forums outside of guild recruitment posts, but I have to agree and voice how ridiculously upset I am to find out about the stealth nerf to the cloak. I was super excited to power level a whole bunch of new characters that I haven’t played before to test them out before TWW. Now finding out that the cloak is nerfed for alts and it will be slower than just leveling in retail leaves a seriously sour taste in my mouth. This is on TOP of the scaling issues that are obviously a problem throughout the game mode.

This feels very similar to how I felt when they bait and switched me into thinking Diablo 4 was an awesome game during the hype event up to level 25, only to find out after I dropped $100 that the game after level 50 is complete garbage.

Quite frankly, I’m super sick of Blizzard’s crap. They are ridiculous tone deaf to everything that their playerbase wants and asks for, and it almost seems like they go actively out of their way to destroy people actually having fun.


agreed, killed my hype. Im still playing it, but I dont see myself playing beyond a week if they dont change anything. Plus the scaling feeling like you’re doing a M+20 when you want to do any sort of content.


Exactly. I was looking forward to leveling alts and farming everything. It looked like it was going to be fun. Now I’m picking some choice items and bailing asap.


I was so excited and pumped for this event, talked it up to friends and everything.

EXP nerfed? Not what was sold to us.

I wanted to level one of each armor class for this and my Troll and Orc for heritage. Won’t be doing that now. This really sucks and is very disappointing


Yeah they said the power would go to alts in the Video linked it below with the time stamp.


It’s Blizzard. They will fix the cloaks by nerfing the Primary stat, Vers, and Stamina that alts start with, so level 15 players wont be so OP in heroics. :rofl:


what are the cosmetics for, if you’re not subbed?


Most people don’t stay subbed at the tail end of an expansion because they aren’t going to really be playing. They will wait for the expansion, sub for 12-18 months, maybe less. That is why the game feels so much more alive in the first year of an expansion, and then dies.

How high can the XP% get on the cloak atm? I’ve seen various numbers, but at 70, mine is at 128% and won’t go any further.

For real. I did a heroic dungeon last night at lvl 69 and was getting one shot by insta spells with no cast time while being out dps’d by people 40+ levels below me. Beyond disappointed thus far.