Blizz let hunters tame GTSG

i want to tame that worgen in WOTLK

That is not at all the same as the GTSG.

  1. There are no other tameable Worgen. You can tame wolves everywhere.
  2. Worgen become a playable race. Wolves do not.
  3. The Dev Team never said taming the Worgen was ok.
  4. The Dev Team never put a new tameable mob in the game that looked like the Worgen.
  5. Thank you for your reply.

Apparently Beta Is coming soon. My only focus for beta will be to see if the hunter community will be able to tame the GTSG.

Have any of you Hunters in Beta (we all know you are in beta and cannot talk about it yet)

Have any of you tried to tame GTSG??? Tell me… I wont tell anyone else I make many promises your secret is safe with me!!

If this was in TBC then, while I have no plans to try and tame it on my hunter, I’m not opposed to it being tameable in TBC Classic.

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It was tameable and Blizz said it was amazing how we did it and AND AND they said that it would remain in the game!!! Then two weeks later they patched it out.

I was lucky I got on and still have it today. But I want it again in Classic TBC.

Well Boys and Girls, I got beta access and first thing I did was check to see if GTSG was tameable and it is the nontameable version of the epic pet.

Can someone at Holly Longdale, she plays a hunter. Let her know of this awesome pet and tell her I would be willing to show her how to tame it if she can get it back in the game.