For me, and many players, that is the -only- content in this game. Small trickles of story that has been for many of us extremely poorly written for so long is no longer a factor. Just something we click through to get to the meat and potatoes.
I hope you realize that the current rumor is patch 9.1 is on pace for August right?
9.1 is projected to be around June 22nd. Simply 7 months instead of the 5-6 months. Not bad considering how the pandemic has affected everything.
2 year expansions, 4 content patches roughly. One every 6 months give or take. Seems to follow the same model it has for a few years no?
Yeah, it’s a huge bummer. Unfortunately nothing we can do but wait and watch. Most of my friends have moved on at this point. Now I’m here, arguing with you, some stranger on the forum. Le sigh.
And if they don’t match other available positions?
Does the company keep them on staff with nothing to do?
Also, why assume Blizz didn’t try to move people first?
have you done all the content? I hope so, because if not, your argument falls apart entirely.
So you don’t mind grinding the same dungeons over and over again and playing the same pvp maps, some of which are 15 years old? You think that is new content?
When did Shadowlands launch? I cannot remember the exact date, let me have a gander. 11/23 - so late Nov? June would be 7 months so yeh, not too bad. I was basing the 8 months comment on the current rumor of august.
Yes, I do actually consider new seasons to be new content. Seasonal affixes wildly change how you approach dungeons in the upper end of things. You have to understand where I come from though - I also play ARPG games like Diablo, where new seasons come in 3-5 month intervals and it’s effectively the same game with new twists. Been playing them for years and years.
Our ideas of what content is just differs. You’re in the same camp as my buddy, who thinks new content = actual new zones and quests. While I just consider new m+ season, raids, and pvp seasons as the actual content. World zones and questing to me aren’t really the game. Just something you get through as quickly as possible to get to the fun stuff.
Also those fired were those who organize events that won’t happen because said pandemic.
But I do agree… July to maybe late August is a long looking time to play this already stale content.
Yeah I was just supporting your argument was all, not trying to correct you. And is it projected in August now? Last I checked, it was supposed to be June
I only assume because they’ve been in the media for years for layoffs. And its a very old school method of cutting costs in business and one that Kotick seems to follow. But regardless, that’s not my opinion on the matter. Shareholder do think that Bobby Kotick has failed in terms of human capital at Blizzard. Their assessment, not mine.
Every final tier in an xpac lasts around a year .This has been the norm since ICC.
I really don’t have anymore info than you do, but my friends have been saying august for a few days now. I really hope it’s earlier than that.
Makes two of us…but I missed 3 months of play time, and have swapped mains 3 times now (various reasons)…I may actually catch up if it gets pushed back to August
A streamer speculated August… so of course it is a fact now.
June is optimistic…I doubt anything will go live before mid-July.
Especially with all of the issues they are already grappling with in terms of covenant balance / system issues / complete failure of the maw etc. That’s a lot to work on, considering the lack of anything at Blizzcon aside from a trailer - they probably weren’t too far into it when it was announced.
Really people are going to keep perpetuating the lie if the facts don’t support their out rage I see .
I guess it is never let facts get in the way of a woke persons REEEEEEEE.
He was getting that bonus whether people got laid off or not . It was based on in improvement in Activision Blizzard stock and it was put into his contract as far back as 2016.
actually in Legion we had a patch every 77 days
Same!! I have 11 60’s now at various degrees of progression.