Blizz, Hong Kong, Freedom of speech, lets have an Adult discussion

Elae is a pro-Chinese actor, who may in fact be paid by the Chinese government.

It’s just a suspicion… but a pretty strong one.


No punishment “RAGE”
Punishment “RAGE!”


your fake outrage is great indeed anything to be mad at blizzard about.

Anyone who does business with china and then lets china tell them what they should or shouldnt believe in is a coward.

Nope, totally has.

In the beginning, day one, I was there.

  1. Blizzard is horrible for banning player for one year and ruining his livelihood, undue the ban
  2. Why aren’t Blizzard banning the college team for the same thing? (Not the same, posted rules above for reference) Blizzard should be fair and punish both.
  3. Blizzard cowing to China
  4. Blizzard treasonous
  5. (After Blizzard changed penalty) Good job Blizzard, but it took to long and you only did it because of political pressure. What about the college team?
  6. Blitz accepts his punishment and is then attacked online by people who think he is caving in to Chinese pressure. Blitz encourages people not to go after Blizzard.
  7. Players online react to statement, conspiracy theories about the time zone statement was released under, Blizzard is protecting China!!!
  8. College students get mad. About time Blizzard, what took so long?

There are minor things here and there, but from the start, this has everything to do with the kid being punished and next to nothing to do with HK. The only HK reference almost throughout (from most of the ones I’ve been talking to here, on twitter and Reddit) came from Blitz saying Free Hong Kong.


The key point there being it was the CHINESE page. It’s common to end communications with pro china messages such as that over there; It wasn’t Blizzard giving china a thumbs up, it’s a cultural difference.


Should be using voat anyway if you can get in regardless of china.

your fake outrage at their real outrage is great anything to be mad at players about.

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The thing about China, and a lot of other countries in the world honestly, is that they hate other countries getting involved in their affairs.
America is famous for getting into everyone’s business while not letting anyone into theirs.
The more people protest here, the more pressure China puts on HK as they see this as governmental interference and will react.

Libel, really?
I disagree with you and have shredded every pathetic argument you’ve made.
You’ve admitted you’re leaving, so, why linger?
Unless you just want to keep trolling?

More specifically, it was a contracted subsidiary/partner giving China a thumbs up, who was given power and authority by Blizzard to act in their stead and use their name.

Blizzard America didn’t write that press release, but they don’t get to wash their hands of this issue.

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Their official page disagrees.

And yes they do, that’s the point. “squelch dissent on our behalf or lose your cash cow”. Blizzard chose money over suffering people.

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So you’re saying doing business on any foreign soil an American company should barge in, take no notice of any cultural differences that exist and do things their way 100% of the time and stuff the other culture if they don’t like it.

…That actually does sound like a very American view on it… and also the reason you aren’t the head of a major company.

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I’d actually rather not be mad at Blizzard. I invested a lot of time in wow and would prefer to play it and not cancel my sub.

Your logic: Equal application of the rules? Who care about that?

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Blizzard as a company is obligated to its shareholders.
The fiduciary interests supersedes all other considerations.
That said, Blizzard has no effect over China and its policies. If you knew anything at all about China, you would know they don’t take kindly to outside entities telling them what they should or shouldn’t do (sort of like America in that way actually)

Now, to your statement about people putting money over suffering people. Several American companies do business with despots around the world.

Hell, even the American government will put its own interests over the suffering of other people around the world.

When was the last you heard any outcry about the Nigerian girls in America?
The Rohingya?
The Palestinians?
The Yemenese?

You realize America and American companies do business with all of the nations responsible for oppressing these groups right?

And this isn’t even the tip of the iceberg.

Is it libel to state truth?

They’ve literally dismissed the organ harvesting because it’s done for “national security”. I don’t think even the dumbest of people can honestly believe that’s a good reason.

That’s not even beginning on their wanting to “cleanse the alcoholics” line of lunacy.

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Two different situations though.
But this has also been rectified.
Now the college students are the ones being harshly punished.

I don’t care about anyone having respect for me when it comes to having a debate. That’s not why I’m here. I’m here to give my opinion about whatever’s going. I will and have always looked to find a sense of perspective when talking on any issue that’s being discussed on WoW forums. I’ve even had scenarios where people have come forward and proved me wrong about something and I’ve admitted that I was wrong.

In this situation, that picture was only a representation of one of many protests that have been going on in recent years. Anonymity is not a factor anymore when the general public is outraged about something. People have been standing up and speaking out about countless matters so I don’t believe that will play a massive factor if people want to protest at Blizzcon. That’s the only reason I posted that.

Whatever agenda you think I have, you won’t find anything here. Because this for the 100th time…

…was never my argument.

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This is exactly equal application of the rules. They said a mistake was made with the first ruling, it was too quick and harsh, so they lowered it. They didn’t rush the AU team’s decision but that’s apparently an issue too to you.

In your head it seems all decisions should be made exactly in the timeframe you see fit.


Libel towards me, not China you dolt.
He accused me of working for China because I disagree with him.
Nobody is denying all of the horrible stuff China is doing, so pointing them out is a bit moot really.