I mean, that says something right there. If going against “WHOEVER IS FIGHTING FOR A JUST CAUSE” was less profitable, don’t you think they wouldn’t do it? If it is less profitable, that must mean more people lean the other way, which tells me maybe those taking a stand are either wrong, or going about things incorrectly
I did. I expected it to be made of candy, though.
Are you literally saying that whatever the majority supports, that is the right thing?
Religion is a huge thing, it is a delusion created to benefit people psychology while at the same time make them easy to manipulate by people pandering to said delusion, because the majority does something, doesnt mean it is right.
It seems to me, Historically speaking, that the best and most productive stands were taken in manners that were, at the time, “incorrect”.
No one goes to an entertainment event to be preached at about politics. Not movies, sports, or dinner, so there is an incorrect way, like ruining people’s event that has nothing to do with your politics.
You do realize that in order to disprove your absolute “no one” all I have to find is one person… right?
The forums and in game chats are made in such a way where if you are not interested in a thread, you dont need to read it and can scroll past it, i know shocking, right? Therefore no one’s “entertainment” is ruined
When a problem is far too big and people arent responding like they should before it is too late, they they deserve to be inconvenienced and of course i am not talking about this, but the climate change protests that are happening rn worldwide
I just had to add a 3 cuz i wanted to sound like playmaker
Even with the Nike sponsorship he probably lost money in the long run when his career got cut short
“Making a buck on his skin color” is pretty cringy and it tells me that you don’t fully understand how ugly it is for folks living in an inner city. Unfortunately, I have personally seen a good many folks die at a young age. When you see a kid laying in the street under a sheet and a row of mothers on the edge of the rope wondering who’s kid it is, well, it certainly changed my perspective on the matter. We can debate the what racism looks like all we want, but it doesn’t bring shooting victims back to life. Kap sacrificed his career because young black youth have been dying horrible deaths for generations and he wanted people to at least talk about it in our national discussion. You have the privilege of making a statement like that because you were fortunate enough not to have been born into those living conditions where you are under threat every day of your life. You should consider yourself fortunate and try having the compassion to try to understand an existence that you have not been exposed to.
You have no idea what conditions I live or have lived under and saying as much shows your privilege as well. If you really wanna compare notes sometimes we can offline.
Edit - in the end its about people, not skin color. No one group of people get a pass for everything
I grew up where police hesitated to go at night by themselves, and when they DID my fear of them never reached my daily fear of rivals that looked just like me.
If you can’t admit that then you likely never grew up in these places you describe.
You are right, I don’t. But from your statements I can surmise that you havn’t lived in the conditions that Kap was protesting about. If you did you wouldn’t have made the sort of statements that you previously posted. If it is about people and not skin color, as you say, how can you claim that Kap was making money off his skin color and inferring that his pursuit of money drove his protest? You are now contradicting yourself.
It’s because you admitted to having a Candyland board with all of the pieces when you were growing up
Exactly my point.
What’s the word for thinking a group of people should all think and act the same?
No because Kap claims those conditions only exist based on skin color when they exist for EVERYONE.
I guarantee I had a lot more black eyes and missed more days of school because of bruises than Cap did growing up.
Not the same. Ever been shot? Ever lose a family member to gun violence? Ever have to go pump gas and wonder if you are going to get killed because you are wearing the wrong set of clothes on a block that someone claims as their turf? Ever wonder if the police are going to randomly shake you down because they don’t like the way you look? Ever watch a mom on the ground crying her eyes out after she just lost her son? Ever feel isolated because of your cultural identity or the way you grew up? These conditions are not based on skin color but they overwhelmingly exist for minorities. Unless you have lived it, it can be very difficult to understand.
Yes I have shot someone
No never lost a family member to gun violence because my family is armed at all times.
Yes I have stopped in the wrong part of town when my car died and I thought I was gonna get killed- they just stole my lunch.
I have been pulled from my mini van at gunpoint by a cop because I sat in the back seat with my kids and he thought I was kidnapping my wife and kids.
Yeah I feel hated because of my cultural identity every day. I am told how privileged I am because of my skin color by people with power and privilege I have never had. By people, who have never be hit, molested, raped or almost kill with a hammer.
I have more in common with a poor black man than some entitle rich white elitist like you. But you cant see it because of my skin color.
Damn, son… It’s all good… Let all that hatred out. Have a good cry. It’s ok.
I’m not entitled, or rich, or white. And I have no idea what color you are. I only judge you on your previous statements.
And based on this last statement, you have some deeper issues than wondering about what Kap did or didn’t do.
I was mentioning the actual events, like I listed, sports, movies, etc. I was not talking about here.
Yes to all seven, and it applied to EVERYONE on my block regardless of skin tone. If anything the handful of kids that were of lighter shade may have had it worse because much of the neighborhood that they had to live with couldn’t see past their skin.
Prisons are controlled through division. So are cities and countries. Until we realize that we will always be controlled.