Blizz, Hong Kong, Freedom of speech, lets have an Adult discussion

Yes, it is me with the reading problem.

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Also ignoring the fact that Blizzard isn’t some small dev studio working under the umbrella of their evil Activision overlords.

They’ve been joined at the hip since 2007. They are the evil Activision overlords.

I think people would just like to separate the two but yeah, they are the same company.

Activsion Blizzard.

I don’t blame the devs or the regular employees for all of this. We all know that these decisions come from the top where the billionaires hang out.

People defending an oppressive communist murderous chinese govt. Yup not surprised.

That’s good, yes, stretch. You don’t want to get a sprain or anything.

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TIL pointing out your ignorance and making you look dumb in the process = defending China.

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Something that I believe most people either don’t know or overlook…

China REQUIRES foreign companies to have a Chinese company as a “partner” in order to be allowed to do business in China. This is not an “option” for Blizzard, or any other company. Tencent is a small “partner” in several dozen foreign companies.

China accounts for about 15% of the player base. Blizzard made a tactical business decision, but failed to anticipate the global reaction. Although I am surprised that they have yet to release a statement addressing the backlash, I don’t believe they will reverse their position. They will take a short-term hit in every market except China, but the players will return.

Very few players will permanently give up their gaming over this.

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Stop trolling you moron

It is always nice having a knowledgeable accountant around who bakes wonderful cookies.


for every worker that stops there are ten starving people who will take that job for less pay just to get some money to eat. also assuming people who have jobs that want to make money that will happily let jim stand up for whats right and slide into his spot, lets not act like greed is the sole driving force of just big business people like money and will generally do whatever to get it.

You left out the facts that also, the player in question violated the rules and spirit of the competition to use an official broadcast as a platform for a political statement. Blizzard took the action they set forth in the rules that the player agreed to follow long before the broadcast even took place.

It doesn’t matter if the political statement was right, wrong, or indifferent, about the United States, Honk Kong or Iceland. Neither do our opinions on whether he was in the right to publicly decry China’s actions. He still broke the rules, he still got punished.

If you want to make a real difference, don’t go off on Blizzard for enforcing their rules. And don’t go off on the player for doing what he did either, even if it was a violation of the rules it was obviously well-meant outspoken humanitarianism. Blame the oppressive government whose policies managed to turn a situation where making an unauthorized political statement in violation of a previously established behavioral agreement seemed like the right thing to do, leaving Blizzard with no recourse but to enforce the rules they’d established beforehand.

They have a 5% interest in Activision, that is a long ways from “owning” Activision…

So you say you provide facts, get called out on your facts because they are wildly biased and inaccurate, and then proceed to insult everyone for telling you that you are wrong. What is wrong with you?

Ummmmm, wutface… :joy:

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5% interest in a company is not ownership, it is investment. They can send people to attend the annual meetings where they present how much money they made, how much they loss, how much they spent, ect.

They can vote at those annual meetings on things like: giving the executives a salary raise, whether a company should buy or sell anything, etc.

They don’t own the company, they don’t make decisions for Activision/Blizzard, they own 5% of the shares of the company so they are a large investor, but an investor nonetheless.

That being said, MoP was enough pandering to China for one lifteime, they have already reached their lifetime limit cap of pandering and thus are ineligible for further pandering drops. They would have to make a completely new country and have to reach max level again before they could try and get more pandering drops.

They also own Epic…

They also own the entirety of Riot Games as well.

If you’re going to attack an oppressive regime, then you should actually stick with the facts so as not to discredit your cause.

As you continue to give them $15/month and give their website traffic.