Blizz, Hong Kong, Freedom of speech, lets have an Adult discussion

I hope you’re right. I know i’ll be going soon.

I have enjoyed the current relase. Moze knows how to blow stuff up.

How much stock do they own?

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They own 4.9% lol


Seems a bit short if they “own Activision”.


On the books that is - because if they own more than 5% it may cause odd things to happen (if I remember correctly due to ownership restrictions, etc). They could own more via third parties.



Enough to cause the protester to be fired.

Which is enough to get the man banned.

What is the word for when people are telling others to not unite against unjust causes and just bend over?

You do realize rich people only exist because they abuse workers right? If ALL workers stopped following their rules suddenly all these big corporations have 0 power.

And before you say something as silly as me implying that this is what is going to happen, i am not, i am merely reminding you that corporations and governments get power because of every day people, if the vast majority of these people go against them, they lose


Tencent owns more of Epic, and Epic still came out with the opposite position as Blizz on this.

Considering Tencent either majority owns, or owns partial share in almost every large gaming company, it’s not really the largest deal in the world. Tencent majority owns Riot Games, when’s the last time Riot made this large of a screw up?

This is just the facts, but these facts have literally nothing to do with what transpired. Try again.

Even if Tencent owned literally 0% of Activision, they’d still have power over Blizzard through the sheer size of the Chinese market.

Blizzard bent the knee not because of foreign ownership, but because they didn’t want to risk being made an example of like the NBA were with the recent Rockets drama.

Like the vast majority in Hong Kong? Sometimes the govt gets so powerful that it can do what it wants out of fear. China has bigger guns than Hong Kong.

Your facts seem to be… lacking facts.

You claim that a Chinese company “owns Activision” which is a lie.

The title of your thread tries to emphasize that you are just stating facts… which is a lie.

You’re a liar.

I don’t believe anything you say.


Good, now instead of having this silly divide between nations, think worldwide.

They own a 5% stake in Activision Blizzard. They don’t actually ‘control’ anything.

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Fact, you cant read.

I said they own a chunk not the whole company. Learn to read its a good thing.

Right after that you said


Every shareholder owns the company they own the shares of. That’s the whole idea. They just own a portion of said company. An important qualification to make.

Chunk: “thick solid piece of something”

Tencent has 5% share in the company. That’s not a very large …chunk.

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Asia accounts for less than 15% of ATVI’s annual revenue.