Blizz hits us with the ole bait and switch

I really do feel like I’ve just been sold a lemon.

“Vendors are back you can get bis gear from pvp exclusively”

After we all level a few characters believing the fairy tail the day before the season drops they hit us with the truth.

Utter joke. If players want to compete at a high level this season they will have to raid or do M+ for nearly all their gear.

As hard as it is to fathom this system is actually worse in some ways than bfa. At least in BFA we could get the majority of our gear from arena while only needing to PVE for a few select pieces.

I recognize that we will have full gear “eventually” 9 weeks if we want a weapon i think someone said it was 20 weeks for full gear. So technically they weren’t lying.


Hey man they really got me this time. You know how HAPPY everyone has been the last 2 weeks doing bgs? Can’t even get a weapon for 5 weeks LMAO.


5 weeks for a wep?

Make that 9 my friend you need 5k conq before you can buy it.

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Ion is just going to say it’s meant to “supplement” the weekly vault. Clearly it’s not at all what players thought. I wonder if arena will still have random drops?

Nope they dont ( hundreds of skirms / bgs done in the last 2 weeks and no item dropped )

Such positivity for the last 2 weeks and we’re back for bfa 2.0
I bet the next pvp tuning will be in 2021 too

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Guessing we wont get random arena drops based on skirms.

In bfa if you spammed skirms youd get random drops super low ilvl but still got drops. In slands we get honor.

It’s one thing to be disappointed with the low weekly conquest cap, but it’s another to throw in other questionable claims.

Blizz never claimed this and no player with a brain actually expected to get BIS gear(meaning perfect stat combinations) for every slot from the vendor alone.

PvP gear with vers stats will still be favored over pve gears with non-vers stat combinations such as crit + mastery. The problem that was introduced by blizz with their latest blue post is that obtaining conquest points is really slow.

What I can imagine happening in the coming weeks is that people will be doing PvE on top of PvP so that they can fill more slots with higher ilvl gears, but as the weeks go on and more conquest items are purchased, those conquest items will replace the pve slots for versatility gain. Again, the rate at which conquest is gained is super low, it is quite disappointing and I hope they up it a bit, or make it accumulative by 500 points/week. But when the season nears its end(which is arguably the only time of season that matters for people who actually push for titles and r1s) and people DO have access to majority, if not all, of conquest items from the vendor, this issue will become much less of a sting. But again, I’m hoping blizz will up the rate a bit so that the sting is less painful in early season.

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do you not get more points for higher rating??

The real sour part is they purposely withheld how conquest gear would work until the day before the season starts.


Bait n Switch


I don’t see any blue posts, did something change??

i learned years ago to never get excited for anything blizzard, and this is why. i finally convinced myself to be excited for arenas tomorrow, and this is what i get. this is why i never got excited for legion or bfa, and why i wasnt originally excited for shadowlands. but after playing it i enjoyed it and was excited for the first time in 6 years to be doing arenas and now i probably wont be playing. atleast not until 5 months from now when i can come back and get a full set of gear ROFL.

back to waiting for classic TBC to have arenas again.


make sure to read the bullet points

Yeah because their metrics probably look REALLY friggin good right now. More action in BG’s then the past 4+ years

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Its not a bait and switch.

I been seeing the writing on the wall, saying this would happen for months.


this isnt going to sting just for the early season. this is going to take 20 weeks. and thats only for the bare minimum to get a full set, that doesnt include getting extra trinkets or anything like that which will take several more weeks. but hey maybe we’ll be geared for next season.

Just in time for the new raid tier gear to come out :smiley:

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I try to avoid buying into the conspiracies around metrics and time played, but this is a real low point in community interaction even for them.

There’s no rational answer for why they wouldn’t hammer out this system and make it transparent to the community before the game even launched, much less the day before the season.


it should be painfully clear that blizzard designs things with metrics in mind based on bfa and the amount of time gating weve seen.

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Who said this?