Blizz gotta start banning the toxic. its festering a hemorrhaging community

New guy joins.
New guy tries.
New guy gets raged on.
Why is that new guy gana stay?
This is a story of a zero. New player getting flamed by a rogue for not buffing. not prehotting. instead of helping, it bubbles each time mark isnt applied after we wipe. First two bosses where first pull kill but the last boss got us 6 times before the kill. Dude just stopped replying and turned his chat off.
it wasnt even the reason we where wiping. Puddles, Roots, Swurls, and booger blasts always claimed one of the dps each try. Never the new healer. but that guy is hyper focusing on that one guy
Its insanity. Fix the wound. Apply some BAN-daids


The toxic calling the toxic toxic - banning the toxic, by the toxic, let’s all toxic about it.


The Mute option was created for this.


Are you reporting people who you feel are breaking the rules? Because that’s the only way blizz are going to know about it. But even then they will look at what was actually said. If there was no actual abuse or inappropriate language then they won’t do anything. Someone simply having a bad attitude isn’t against the rules.


Best to find a supportive group.

So report them if you think they have crossed a line but keep in mind that you being offended isn’t against the rules.


Report, ignore, move forward.


The most toxic places in this game are the bottom of the barrel content. LFR, LFD, random battlegrounds, and the forum have the cessiest cess in all of the cesspool that is WoW. The higher up the content totem pole you go the less excrement you stand in.


Now, I don’t agree that the solution for toxic idiots in keys is Blizzard banning them. And of course we can report, mute, ignore, etc.

But I do think Blizzard should stop ignoring what the pugging experience is actually like. I mean, I think most people will agree that pugging is the most common way people engage with mythic+. Even people in regular groups pug quite often. And I do believe that toxic idiots in pugs is all the incentive one should need to seek out a regular group.

But thing is, that’s not happening. And pugging has become even more common since DF since they introduced the crest system and people realized how powerful it is to farm crest in keys. So the reality is m+ is a pugging system now. And the reality of pugging is that it’s often a very bad experience, especially for new players.

What’s kind of baffling is, the changes Blizzard made in TWW for m+ not only don’t help the pugging scene, but make it objectively worse.

I don’t know what Blizzard can do to make pugging better, but I would think it’s in their best interest to at least try.


Maybe the new guy shouldn’t be doing pug content that requires that. Pug groups have always been like this and there is a reason for guilds.

Nobody is ever going to admit that wow community is very toxic in game content.


So ban people who refuse to lower their standards? Seems reasonable.


Its not about lowering your standards

Its about being a huge douche cause someone missed a kick or the tank took a wrong turn.


I saw the new Social Contract agreement when I logged in today. M+ and Raiders… I blame all ya’ll.


Then play with people who are around your skill level instead of expecting better players to carry you.


One of the reasons why I stopped playing group content was back in legion end of legion the way they were treating new players in LFR was absolutely disgusting. By the time BFA rolled around and I saw the behavior getting even worse I just pulled out of doing current content dungeons and LFR all together I don’t even do battlegrounds anymore over the rancid behavior


The disgusting part is that adults need that social contract to remind them how to behave in the first place LOL


I’ll admit it. I absolutely love healing but I’m not going to heal for the degenerates that I run into in game anymore LOL.
Just watching the chat box and all the bigotry in there is enough to make somebody throw up


People around my skill level still toxic. Im not sure why you cant grasp the point but its astonding to me

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I stopped healing and tanking for a long time cause of it. But im going bsck to it again

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