Blizz, give the Alliance ONE THING:

No faction will ever be permanently on top… their will always be a back and forth with no faction “winning” the war for good in this game. I’m just addressing that their are times where the alliance can “look good” that isn’t just put into the books and does make it to the game.

For the record I’m not saying their no horde or alliance bias… everyone is going to have their own opinion on that no matter what happens.

Pfft if the plight of the NE being refused aid by SW when the horde landing on darkshore then burning the tree wasnt enough to incite Genn into ripping the boy king a new one nothing would

Honestly Genn is a king that understands losing in ways Anduin will never realize oh boo hoo daddy died saving his troops and dropped his watch

How about seeing your entire society turned into ruins and you subjects made refugees

In fact Velen and Genn BOTH should’ve jumped on the ship and ran to help Tyrande without hesitation given they both saw first-hand thier respective homes destroyed by power mad leaders


Alliance win both warfronts now that Alliance favoritism. Why do we have to lose everything always? I thought we werent supposed to be the baddies?

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Illidan spoke to Velen and it touched a nerve back in legion but he had a point Velen saw the darkness growing in his “brothers” yet did he mount a protest before allowing legion emmisaries on Argus or publically question their true motives and intentions?No he did NOTHING but run away then waited 25k years which gave them all that time to dig in and fortify their newly conquered world before finally bringing us all back to fight HIS war

not saying he would’ve had much of an impact however if Velen had nipped them in the bud rather than openly invite the legion into their home Argus might’ve never been the staging point for the birth of the burning legions entire campaign

alliance now rule over the horde, what more do you want

You are joking right?

This is the company that won’t give Gnomes their city because that would be GAME BREAKING IMBALANCE for the Alliance to have another capital…think about that.

The same company that gave the Horde a MOVIE all expansion long.

You know, the ones who gave the Horde EVERY ORC CLAN while drip feeding the Alliance DI Dwarves…gave the Horde Vulpera while giving the Alliance diaper Gnomes that don’t xmog. The same one who can’t give the Alliance fan service in High Elves because…reasons, but hey they sure can pull out the bs artistry of 2 “races” that amount to less than 100 ppl TOTAL between them in whiter Draenei and Void Elves. What’s that you say surely there was some good AR’s…oh that’s right they gave the Horde terminator Zandalari while their big idea for the Alliance, the idea WE ALL HAD TO WAIT FOR was…FAT PEOPLE.

Yea, don’t hold your breath.

Oh wait almost forgot. While Anduin was busy making sure to hand all of his troops to Saurfang while not helping Tyrande/Malfurion in another brilliant stroke of Alliance writing…we got a bee mount. That is our consolation prize for getting ALMOST NOTHING this whole expansion.

But hey look at it this way, in LORE we won both warfronts…isn’t that comforting, another couple of Pyrrhic victories to hang our hats on that don’t mean a squirt of piss.


The writing is/was consistently better alliance side in BFA. I’m a fan of the Slyvannas storyline and Bwansandi stick out as great characters, but overall it wasn’t very immersive and many times quite the contrary.

basically they just used the pandarans as a templet and reskinned them as humans and lets not forget the worgen “mounts” they gave us after many months of hemming and hawing about

originally the gilneas mount was going to resemble a slightly overlarged pig like beast which got scrapped while still on the storyboards and what did they add in return a generic version of the druid travel form then after several patches they simply took the SW horses and digitally removed their saddles then called it a “new mount”

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Nothing but the best left over ideas for the Alliance.


You do know they will be ridiculed if they did that and tried their traditional “For de hurde” shout at Blizzcon?

Can’t have that.

Would seem reasonable to have shown this all along. But so far the story of BFA has been a case of wait and see to make sense of anything. F.E. Sylvanas has had hidden intentions all along… would have been nice to have hints at this, for both alliance and horde players. Makes sense now for her actions but didn’t until 8.2.5

That is one of my biggest annoyances. I’m a huge fan of lore and the novels, and enjoy reading them. But the highlights and consequences should be accurately reflected in the GAME itself.


There was no Horde bias, Saurfang was a champion of the Alliance at this point :stuck_out_tongue:

This is pretty funny coming from someone that refuses to see the canon victories the Alliance has had, but since the Horde is completely wiped (because it’s playable) it’s not good enough.

would be nice if they had a team to create an NPC which lets us see cinemas of off screen lore like actually witnessing plotlines like magni turning into a diamond or the true events leading up to the war of the spider in northrend where arthas conquered the nerubians etc and not just reading a bunch of text in scattered tomes and books throughout the game


I can certainly hope that the Alliance gets the exact same narrative attention the Horde has gotten. That’d be great. I’m sure there would be no complaints whatsoever.

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Pretty sure you all took Lordaeron back. And really, your leaders are the ones keeping you from vengeance. First you had Jaina being talked out of revenge by Thrall and somebody then helping rescue Bloodhoof or something. Then you have Anduin sparing Saurfang and siccing him on Sylvanas. And horde had to deal with Khadgar walking in at the end of every other raid to thank us for our service in past expacs, and spend BFA doing chores for a dwarf even while we gather allies to work on smashing the Alliance. Horde had elves introduced to them in bc, then more elves in legion, and now furries in BFA.

Maybe by the end of shadowlands, Horde can crater Stormwind and Alliance can crater Orgrimmar. Like a Mak’gora of nations. Then Alliance will be rid of the leaders they perceive to be losers, and Horde will be rid of leaders we perceive to be alliance lapdogs.

New Horde capital could be Thunder Bluff. New Alliance capital could rise between Goldshire and Eastvale. Mirror Lake could be a lovely city pond free of murlocs, Tower of Azora a new mage tower, Hero’s something place for a cemetary, the garrison and all something. Lakeshire the new Goldshire. Goldshire fortified and built up as the new Keep.

You mean like the Zandalari King?

You mean original Alliance race in WOW vs someone no one cared about and NOT Horde until this expansion.

Maybe have all of the Forsaken just start falling apart as the Light is tearing through their bodies and you try to save them but fail. Complete with Alliance Paladins screaming out to exterminate this Scourge in the name of the Light!

Not a fair equivalency.


You can really tell those Alliance posters who have not played horde or are deep in their own victimhood.

They don’t see UC as a victory because Sylvanas Star Trek 2’ed it while the horde was running away (despite them foiling 4 plans to kill them and forcing the horde into a full retreat). Apparently watching our experimental war machine be destroyed, or forces cut down, god queen Jania swoop in, and then us spending the rest of the fight retreating isn’t enough to be considered a win.

They don’t see DZ as a win because of reasons. They try and argue that the horde xpac city wasn’t a horde city. They try and argue that killing the king was failing their objective (kind of like burning a tree?). They argue that destroying the navy doesn’t count. That tricking the horde army doesn’t count.