Blizz gave me 14 day free trial and I have questions

Destro if you want highest killing blows and damage. But you run the chance of the enemy team being somewhat good and going you the entire game. Destro is kind of a “TARGET ME” spec but have the ability to wipe entire team fights in very short windows.

Affliction is also very good in bgs and can do similar damage to Destro, it’s just not as strong as destro in getting KBs because it’s dot damage. Affliction also has very high self healing, you’ll live longer being targeted than a destro. Affliction is one of the most annoying specs for healers in BGs, you make dispelling your targets with UA come at a huge cost. Affliction isn’t too great at 1v1.

Demo does the least damage in battlegrounds because of limited AOE options. But, demo has the most utility out of all 3 lock specs, is the tankiest, and you can line everyone while your demons do all the work in a burst and your demons do ALOT of a damage, a Tyrant can 100-0 someone if they aren’t paying attention. Demo is one of the best specs for 1v1 and arena. It is viable in BGs, but you wont see as many due to it being more of a single target class.

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Did someone rang?




Oh ok, going back to my lair.


OH HEY! I have like, a general situation, but I don’t know enough about warlocks to know what I should be doing?

Basically Blizz gave me a level boost in MoP so I made a warlock on a new server and got the green fire quest when it was current and haven’t touched warlock since, which was like 10 years ago.

Basically I want to just use this warlock for PvP in the enemy city of Stormwind, lots of teleporting, Z axis, constant guards spawning, lots of kiting, but very little running away from the enemy. IDK which spec I should be going for? Affliction and Demonology seem great for kiting, but destro can just melt people that aren’t 100% prepared for PvP?

Basically I want to make the tankiest warlock possible so that ret paladins don’t eat me.

If you’ve got any advice I’d love to hear it, since picking up a new class + talents + abilities is a bit overwhelming. Just knowing which spec + talents I should keep an eye out for would help tons, and thank you for your time.

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OMG I’ve never seen the music video before, I’m now intensely curious how they got that phone booth to the middle of the forest like that. The matrix printer paper and flip phones mustn’t have been too difficult, but I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a phone booth like that lol

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Alright so the tankiest spec is demo because aff and destro usually have to sac their pet for grimoire of sacrifice and don’t benefit from soul link as much (only a small hp boost on some talents). You can also pet stun people when you’re cc’ed, it helps alot in surviving burst.

So you wanna put curse of weakness up on melee and curse of tongues on casters then amp them when every time you have it. Amplify curse makes weakness also take away their crit, so like using it on a ret when he wings will take away his ability to crit. Amp weakness can also work on some casters like boomy and spriest because it steals crit. But amp weakness doesnt not block spells that 100% crit such as obliterate, chaos bolt, lava burst and combustion.

They recently buffed observer and fel lord by a ton. If you’re in a bg or any where there is a big crowd you can drop those 2 in the middle of the fight and watch your dps sky rocket. And use tyrant after you drop them down to extend the duration of them by 15 seconds, or any demon.

So the ideal setup is dreadstalker, vilefiend, service fel guard, fel lord and observer, then tyrant and then fel obelisk to give them all haste.


Dear lord…

I feel bad for whoever is on the receiving end of that army. They’re being chomped, chain stunned, chopped down, lasered, and demonfireballed.

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Mate, I think you were facing a mobile artillery battery, not an RBG team.


4x GN Bazooka


So I’m not going to be like, fel domination into singe magic or seduction much? Succubus/Felhunter/Imp just don’t get used at all?

Thank you so much, I can see why people keep saying demonology is so tanky now compared to the other specs. What situations should I be doing banish/subjugate demon?

Which of your talent load-outs should I copy so that I can reduce all this decision fatigue?

I am writing this down on a post-it note lol, by the sound of this you don’t use nether portal + guldan’s ambition with this?


banish other demons and elementals like ele sham’s rock/fire ele. Banishing other tyrants is good banishing other demo’s fel guard makes them lose soul link so they become more squishier. You don’t subjugate anything in pvp.

The one I have active is good, I don’t play banish or anything, I just go for tankiness and shorter cd on unending resolve and dark pact. Focuses more on pet damage because immutable hatred is op.

No, my 2nd or 3rd layout has a pit lord build, though I haven’t updated it. We lost instant dreadstalker this patch so to make up for it I specced into demonic calling which cost 2 points. I haven’t not made a pitlord build with those talents yet.


Free game time is for participating in the forums, not for actually playing the game.

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I would absolutely love to know how many people pay for a sub just to post on the forums. Blizzard has to have some sort of idea. I’d probably put it at like, 1 in 500 subs.

OMG I wonder if there are people that play the game to earn gold to buy tokens just so they can post on the forums.

There’s got to be some sort of ancient power point presentation from 2005 about this.

Well what lunatic would take a 3-14 day free subscription and only play the game for 3-14 days?

Its clearly a trap, run while you can.


Hi Ephie how have you been?


I didn’t spec into burning rush tho. D:

Big 2020 energy, just constant unrelenting 2020 energy. I hope you’ve been doing OK though, I’m like half way through the SMP thread, hopefully I’ll finish reading it this weekend! What are the queues for AV like these days? I heard Blizzard changed SHGY, is it as good as IBGY now?


So by 2020 energy I assume you mean you’re being sucked into a black hole while your entire reality slowly collapses in around you. I hope things get better!

I’ve been pretty great! I’ve sort of found a niche in life I really thrive in

SHGY is a much improved defensive point, but it still lacks the choke that IBGY has. So if I had to pick a place to have a team fight it would be a toss up between shgy and ibgy. But if I had to pick a side of the map I’d pick horde cause it’s easier to use the choke at ibgy. I hope that makes sense. But shgy is definitely pretty great to turtle at

We’d love it if you queued with us ephie. I’ve been purging my friends list so if I don’t have you anymore maybe add me? Mizriz#1818