Blizz gave me 14 day free trial and I have questions

OK so Blizzard gave me 14 days of free play time. I haven’t played since early Shadowlands.

a) how is disc? Apparently they removed shadowmend? What on earth did they do to disc?

b) I’m not a very cutthroat player, but I have a level 43 warlock, which spec is best for wPvP/BGs if I want to be extremely tanky and can’t rely on demonic gateway because it can’t be cast in enemy cities?

c) How horrible is leveling? I unlocked all the dragonriding quests, but I don’t really want to do the campaign quests. Can I just hit 70 by doing BGs and never have to worry about quests?

c.1) Apparently there is something dumb and horrible that requires the new zone because a PvP talent became a gear thing? On a scale from 1 to a root canal how horrible will it be?

d) Should I expect to be relatively OK for wPvP and BGs by just getting conquest through solo queue? Or do I have to hit like 2,200 or something to actually enjoy the game?

e) I tried to level in BGs this morning but the game ended because not enough players. Is there a better way to level now?

Thank you all so much for your time <3!


A. Disc is fine.

B. Warlock owns.

C. 1-60? Awful. 61-70? It’s fine.

C and a Half. It’s not too bad.

D. Get conquest, get gear, you’re good to go. No rating requirements.

E. Do Cataclysm time and spam dungeons.


Thank you so much, which spec of warlock is best? I hear Demo and Destro are really good? Should I just google their pvp talents, or are there any specific talents that I need for wPvP?

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Destro is pumping, Demo is pumping, Affli is… alright. No one is going to call you a moron for playing Affli unless they’re a moron themselves (as anyone who clowns on your spec is).

As for talents, I’ve got no clue.


I usually just copy this person:

Nerf demo.


I’ve only (mostly) played my main priest since vanilla. I’m sitting here in Org at level 43 and looking at all these dps buttons like, what on earth.

Should I look up like, some sort of weakaura to tell me my dps rotation?

Thank you all so much for this help, especially the talent points. This decision fatigue is really getting to me lol.

edit: I hate this new diagonal talent tree system with every fiber of my being lol. I can understand why they did it, but I really wish it were more like the vanilla talent trees, with just branches at the end maybe to prevent people from getting everything.

You can probably just read a guide:

Well, you also won’t be able to get everything with DF’s talent system.

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I looked up the demo warlock guide and I have concluded that I’m just not smart enough for this game lol. There are so many contingencies. I guess it all comes together once I’ve got an idea of what I’m doing, but wow this game has like 30+ specs all with their own individual talents which change so many things.

I guess in PvP it’s like, you’ll see at most 20 or so actual class/spec/talent templates? Or do you find there’s a lot of variation out there?


I think people usually copy talents from guides or top players, and then personalize it a bit if it’s too overwhelming or different from their playstyle.

People might have different talent builds for arenas, bgs, and epic bgs.

In arenas, experienced players will swap a few talents based on the other team’s comp (e.g. melee, spellcasters, healer that uses hots, etc.).

There are also different talent builds for PvE dungeons and raids.

If you copy someone’s talents, keep in mind they might have logged out with their PvE talents or they were using a PvP talent build for a very specific situation.

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Yea the warlock you showed me had like 7 talent loadouts, I was like, “here’s to hoping the active one is the one I want because there’s no way for me to really understand what I’m looking at” lol.

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Affliction gang checking in.

I’ve been running an AoE build in BGs with season 2 and i’m loving it. I’m not doing much in a 1v1 scenario but I am absolutely melting teams in the team fights.

I don’t have the big numbers like Demo or especially Destro, but good luck healing 6 people who are all dotted up and getting hit with MR

I, and many others, am very VERY dissatisfied with the current state of Spriest in PvP. 10.1 took away some key talents that made us great in PvP. They took away insta cast void eruption/dark ascension and an ability that put up our DOT’s and Devouring Plague. Outside of procs, it’s all hardcast now. This means that our mobile DPS is shot.

Even with the changes to precog, I don’t see too many Spriests in S2.


You can ask that player.

They post in the forums periodically, especially if you mention their name or talk about demo locks.

You can probably get their attention if you Reply to one of their posts:

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Disc is really strong rn, I play disc quite a bit in bgs

if you want to play a dps play destro/boomy/firemage rn

everything else is pretty mediocre in comparison


That sounds like a lot of fun!

Ouch. How I miss the days of “u r the sharship enterprise, shields up and lazers go” and endless variations of “you will melt faces.”

Thank you so much! I’m still looking around the talent trees and understanding the basic spells before I just do a million Cata dungeons to level.

Wasn’t there a warlock talent that made drain life reduce the damage done by your target? Was that removed? I can’t find patch notes for it in 10.0.7 or 10.1 though.

Does Destro still have that amazing heal that they had in like WoD? I just really want to be unbelievably tanky.

Yeah, I’m not really familiar with warlocks.

I am running a public “Nerf demo!” campaign though.


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They have more heals than in WoD

I’m leveling mine rn lol

were already incredibly powerful in s1, and they just cranked their damage by like 30-40%

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Abandoning demonology, trying to learn destruction now lololol.

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For bgs that’s a fantastic call

Was doing rbgs the other day at ~2500 mmr

there was a quad destro team qing

kinda nuts

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I typed heal in the talent tree search for destro but didn’t see anything, what are the self healing abilities called?

Coil, Drain life, soul leech, and healthstones are insanely strong rn

Also dark pact is a shield for your entire hp bar

You’ll net 10-15 mil healing if you play perfect

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