Blizz Confirms Torghast DOES NOT Have Timers!

lol and you think the game should cater to that playstyle?

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Thats exactly what it does.


You shouldn’t stay in resting area doing nothing, you can walk your dog, look at your anima powers, plan your next anima, look at your sorrounding, etc.

The main argument on why Torghast shouldn’t have timer is people have IRL responsibilities, this resting area solved that.

They used to. They promised us that playstyle in this tower.

Let me ask you. If you liked mythic plus, would you be happy if they changed it’s core play style on you?


I noticed people were mad because they didn’t know what a soft timer is.

The tower doesn’t exist on live - there is no changing the playstyle.

Not at all what Kaleaon mentioned. As long as we’re in agreement that you are talking about an entirely unrelated argument than the one you replied to, great.

Soft timer = artificial pacing from an outside source.


And as you become more familiar with them, they will become regular choices which will become less important.

Do it in the rest area. I had a cat. She could live for 5-10 minutes while I finished something.

Go for it. It’s not gonna be the end of the world and will likely result in 2% of whichever torment you’re currently dealing with. You are panicking over nothing.

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It doesn’t intimidate me at all, and I’m about a casual a player as you can be.

From what I am seeing of Torghast, I think it’s one of the most innovative ideas they have come up with in years. I only hope they go even further, and create other similar ideas throughout the game. The more creative, changeable, fun and challenging activities put into the game, the happier I will be.

And I think you will find a lot of other ‘casual’ players feel the same.


I don’t think so. What intimidated me was people playing for 4 to 8 hours in there, the endless nature of it.

I don’t like to feel rushed but I just am not interested in content taking hours more.

I still don’t understand what you people think you are going to be “exploring” on floor 35 of a procedurally-generated dungeon.


They have to do the content I imagine or at least watch others doing the content. I agree there isn’t anything to ‘explore’. It is actually a pretty boring environment.

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It is the principal of the thing. The point of the tower was to once again enjoy vanilla like content that was not on a timer.
This change effectively reverses what was sold to us.

All and all it will be a minor annoyance I can live thru if it goes live. But it should not go live to begin with .

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Ah, so you’ve played it and felt intimidated by the non-timer? Or you imagine a 2-hour timer on 20-minute content to be too intimidating for you?

I mean, yeah – most of the criticisms I see from this crowd are from people who fundamentally have not seen, or don’t understand, anything about what Torghast actually is or looks like.

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He wants Torghast to be infinite content engaged as long as the players wants to, which part of it is wrong?

Just don’t die and keep climbing or get to resting area, you can stay there forever.

Its a prison area anyway, not a picnic area.

You’re trying to say that a PERMANENT STACKING DEBUFF that stacks every 60 seconds won’t turn Torghast into a fast-paced, time-constrained feature that prevents you from taking a break because you accidentally attacked something or looted something and lost your “resting” buff?

It wont intimidate any players at all?

Come on. So disrespectful to think everyone is this stupid. Adding a timer to anything no matter how slow that timer is, turns it into timed content.

It’s not just a tower with no timer anymore, where you can go afk and spend as much time as you want doing whatever you want anymore. Nope. It’s TORMENTED now. Timers are back because we gotta get those timers in there baby. Gotta look out for all the tryhard speedrunners out there. That tryhard method player on twitch was sitting there waiting for his heroism because they are such a tryhard so we just gotta put a timer on every floor now guys it’s just what makes video games fun :smile:


there is such an easy solution for this: make the timer work for groups only, and from a certain ilvl upwards…call it mythic torghast or whatever makes them elitists happy. Problem solved. If they are being honest about what they created torments for (groups pushing content) then they dont have to bother soloers like me.

It doesn’t begin stacking until floor 10 (which will mean you’ve already spent about 30 minutes in Torghast), and the debuff will be, at worst, 50% more damage taken after fifty minutes.

It’s a minor debuff.