Blizz Confirms Torghast DOES NOT Have Timers!

I’m not going to believe a blue post that vaguely agrees with some ideas. “Should” doesn’t mean “changed to”.

Blizzard has lost trust of many.



Remove two classes’ main DPS cooldowns for… what reason?

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You had your time with BFA Warfront and Island as major feature, it doesn’t work so they’re switching it up.

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See you in November then!


It’s not just heroism/lust though, there are several class abilities with similar levels of power, albeit with lower cooldowns. With fire mages for example, combustion increases damage by 3x-5x for a short burst window, which is powerful enough that on more difficult floors mages will absolutely sit and wait for it.

So then where do you draw the line? If you keep paring back powerful cooldowns, classes won’t be playing even remotely “normal”. In fact many classes will be playing with their arms tied behind their back without their cooldowns in some situations.


Here’s what Torments shouldn’t do.

  • Make Torghast into a fast-paced, time-constrained feature that feels too similar to existing timed features like Mythic Keystone Dugeons, Horrific Visions, or Island Expeditions

How can testers help us tune it?

Playtest Torghast, and let us know how it feels. We appreciate all feedback, and the most valuable feedback for this feature will come from experience in Torghast, rather than discussions about time-based difficulty that aren’t informed by in-game experience.

Also Blizzard:

  • Gives Alpha Testing access to hardcore players that primarily play existing timed features like Mythic Keystone Dungeons, Horrific Visions, or Island Expeditions.

I’m sure this will work out perfectly well. Nothing to worry about.


No idea what you’re on. Everything we’ve seen so far including all of Torghast looks amazing. I don’t understand this whole “If content doesn’t specifically cater to me and my unique play style then it’s terrible content” mentality.


Lower levels have no timer at all, so you’ll have all the time you need to explore before you get the flow of things. The you hit Floor 10 and you’ll be geared and knowledgeable enough at this point that a minor affix will be nothing to deal with.

Not at this rate. I’ve been unsubbed since September, and uninstalled WoW for the first time in 14 years. I came back because I’ve seen videos on Torghast and wanted to check out any of the new changes. My sub was gold, so I won’t be re-upping, and I’ll uninstall again when it runs out. The only thing you’ll see in November is my backside.


Burgh, the Mayor of Goldshire would like to have a word with you in his office.

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This is a you problem, and isn’t something that needs to be fixed. Perspective is everything. Your overly concerned / overly worried perspective isn’t the norm, nor is it something that should be encouraged with catering changes to that mentality.

Stop worrying so much. Just have fun. Seriously, it’ll kill this game for you.


Blizz invites hardcores first because they’re much more reliable testers. Casuals (not unlike myself) get invited later because they tend to use alpha/beta as content drought entertainment to goof off in.


Why would I pay for and play something I don’t enjoy? This is why I haven’t been playing in the first place. That’s going to continue.

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So you dont trust but are still here. Okay. We can work with that.

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Imagine a perfectly-efficient Torghast group. They are willing to do whatever it takes to climb the tower. At the highest difficulty they can manage, that means waiting for all cooldowns on every pull – unless there’s some reason not to do so. This is our problem: that’s not fun to play, but it’s the right way to play if you want to win.

I don’t understand why this is a problem. Blizzard doesn’t go out of their way to babysit all of the other unfun, irrational, obsessive ways people engage with this game…so why here?


Sometimes it almost feels like Blizzard has a bunch of different departments and one of them right near the end of the production line is there specifically to ruin it in some way, can we time gate it, can gate it behind a rep somehow, can we add a quest that can only get a small portion done once a week, lets put a pvp quest in there for some inexplicable reason, can we add a randomly dropped raid item into the mix etc etc.

I’d love to find that one department and make them redundant in a creative way lol


What is this, an RP reference? Not my scene.

You look like a role player.

So you’re tanking then? :rofl:

I kid, but ok, not a nice thing to say to a fellow player but I can take it, a shame that you’ve not even waited for Beta before deciding you’re out.

Shouldn’t be counting them chickens just yet my friend, but regardless keep looking in, things may change to your liking. Hate seeing players leave :cry:


Actually it’s a great piece of propaganda if nothing else, I feel like they heard my primary concerns and addressed them. Not sure what it all means but it sounds okay I guess. I’d absolutely love to try it out and give feedback, just, you know, an invite.