Blizz Confirms Torghast DOES NOT Have Timers!

Ah, excellent. I was hoping that would get you to post on your main and prove that you can reach above 430 iLvl but still don’t care about any challenging content and will never have an interest in doing Torghast.

Hilarious. You really got me.

This content isn’t just intended for raiders and people who like challenging content. It was supposed to be content for everyone. Shadowlands will be WoD2 if that is truly who they have designed it for.

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i dont really care about challenging content in bfa. Doesnt mean that i never cared or will never care again.

You surely got me there and i inadvertedly fueled your attacks by posting on my main, when i’ve been unsubbed for nearly the entire expac :yum:

Thats called the lawyer department.

badum tish

Or Legion. Or MoP. Or Cataclysm.
I think you just really don’t like challenging content.

It is for everyone! Baelgon will be pleased to hear that anyone is entirely capable of doing Torghast with absolutely no penalties to exploring or taking breaks.

Hey look! You’re being honest and undermining your entire thread about how these aren’t timers. Good job!

I absolutely hate visions, why, because of the timer. I absolutely hate Mythic+, why, because of the timer. I will absolutely hate torghast becasue it will have a timer. It’s dead content to me if it has a timer. Will never step foot in it.

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A real timer might improve Torghast, it is that bad in my opinion. I actually don’t understand what people are doing that find it enjoyable. Mythic plus and raiding are 10 times better and I don’t even care for those.

I’ll believe it when I see it for myself.

Alright, this is severely off topic, but i will indulge you. After wrath, my personal life changed radically in a way such that i couldnt make raid times anymore. So I only have done group content in LFR. That does not mean i am incapable of doing challenging content, just that i have to do it in my own time, which is why torghast is so appealing to me. It’s soloable challenging content. And that is why timers are bad. Because people who had to readjust their lives to adulthood and can no longer do challenging group content can at least do challenging solo content. But I am 40 yo, i really couldnt care less about you wanting to see my main. You did and i was a heroic raider in wotlk. Happy? My opinion would have been the same regardless.

Misleading title. It’s a timer


As of right now, today, on alpha, they kick in on floor 1 depending on what tileset you roll.

Even if they kick in at level 12 (which makes no sense, because the floors are in groups of 6, so 1-6, 7-12, 13-18, so it should kick in at 13), level 1-18 are STUPIDLY easy if you pay any attention whatsoever and get any decent anima powers.

I did 1-8, then got d/c, went back in, and did 1-18, in under 2 hours. This is on a premade level 50, scaled to level 60 with 170 ilvl. This is solo.

That is FAR from high level.


How about you click on the blue post you quoted, scroll down literally one post, and read some responses from alpha testers, including myself, based on actual gameplay?

The torments are completely missing the mark right now in terms of meeting their stated goals.

I find it funny a Blue Post makes us think they are gonna fix this? Does anyone remember when Blue Posts were talking about BFA saying things that never came to be or were never fixed.

“The devils greatest trick was convincing man he didn’t exist”

And as such Blizzards greatest trick is convincing us they care and accept feedback.

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That goes against everything that has come before in WoW dungeoning since day 1 of Vanilla.

There are trash packs, and there are bosses.

Each “round of combat”, “pull” is an encounter. Bosses are major encounters, trash are minor encounters.

If you are constantly fighting on a floor, never leaving combat, then you would be correct. I can’t image its that way though.

Hard to talk through issues if we can’t have a common vocabulary.

And that’s the issue. The pressure should come from combat, not having to maintain a pace while out of combat.

What you’re proposing is going to be very difficult to tune for, especially for groups.


The ‘pressure’ should be during an encounter, not between encounters.

This whole thing wreaks of a classic bait and switch.


Imagine a perfectly-efficient Torghast group. They are willing to do whatever it takes to climb the tower. At the highest difficulty they can manage, that means waiting for all cooldowns on every pull – unless there’s some reason not to do so. This is our problem: that’s not fun to play, but it’s the right way to play if you want to win.

Torments should apply just enough pressure that this group can still kill every single creature on the floor (which takes a while, since these enemies have lots of HP), while still being careful, using crowd control, taking a few seconds to rest or strategize between pulls, and even then, maybe sometimes waiting just a little longer for a cooldown before engaging. If that is the most efficient way to play Torghast, then we’ve hit our mark exactly. If that perfectly efficient group has to skip big portions of a floor because Torment debuffs are getting too out of hand, we have a problem.

I’m quoting the OG Blizzard post here because I feel like it’s a fascinating glimpse into how they think about these things. It’s clear just from how they have imagined this scenario that they are considering these to be timers. I don’t see how its reasonable to come to another conclusion.

What does it even mean to “win” in this scenario?

If a group of friends wants to take 5 minutes to plan a pull…so what? Why is this a problem?

The scenarios people are presenting here of people taking 10 hours per floor and other nonsense is just…what even?