Blitz push

How do you guys push in blitz? I don’t seem to be going anywhere, stuck at 1600 W-L-W-L never making any gains.

Stop losing games.


Keep playing, if you are decent you will rise over time.


only way to actually push is que with a healer. Literally the only thing past the 5% of games at higher CR that you make 1 play to win past the RNG of what ever healer comp blizz throws at you.

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Games the last few weeks have been rough. Was at like 2435 and I’ve dropped wayyyy too much from loss streaks where people just don’t want to play the game at a basic level. :woman_shrugging: Or maybe I’m just bad, who knows.

Comp matters alot but I just had a hilarious game.

Their comp - 2x MW, 1bm hunter, 1 ret, 2 locks, 2 rogues.
Our comp - Rsham, R Druid, 2 ret, dh, 2 fire mage, survival hunter.

We were clearly out comped by alot, we 3 capped them on WSG and obliterated them in fights. Was shocked.

I feel that, queued some tank games to mess around, and seen that dk “teambdk” he tanked from 2680 to 2200 cr. That’s some painful queues.

Safe rank 1 to no title now, that stings.

For me, climbing from 1500 to 1600 was really tough. It took me about 50 games. Some matches felt like there was nothing I could do. It was just a cycle of win one, lose one, rinse and repeat.

After 1600, it got smoother for a bit, but the climb from 1900 to 2000 was bumpy again . In a few games my teammates clearly intentionally threw.

Once I hit 2000, things started going my way, 7 wins in a row to reach 2100, and it took less than 3 hours. It felt like a sudden shift that my teammates became very competent, while the opponents were extremely weak, weaker than random battleground enemies.

It’s hard to believe that in 2400 MMR games, opponents had no clue how battlegrounds even work. I don’t know if Blizzard’s MMR system was glitching, or if those players were just win traders, and I happened to get lucky by being on the other side of it.

Anyway, even though I enjoy Blitz bgs (the concept of blitz is great!), I don’t think the rating system is a very accurate or fair pvp metric.

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Meh, it happens. Had a BFG with 7 people at WW and it somehow got capped. Same game I called an inc to mines and we lost it 45s later because nobody showed up. :woman_shrugging:

Another thing that is happening in the lower ranks, is that people are being AFK in rated matches, see this topic to follow discussion.

If you’re stuck at 1600 it’s gonna be hard for you to rise even if you go on a decent streak, I’d suggest playing a diff spec to reset CR then hope you don’t go on a losing streak in your first couple games, both my demo and guardian druid both stuck at 1700 MMR but my elemental is playing at 2400+ mmr from just going 11-4, also saw a DH with 2100 rating and he was 66-69 so you can go far by 50/50 games

this is actually the top Bloodtank this season. In regular bg’s. Hes rank 1.