Recently Im facing lots of problems in rated battlegrounds. Most of times, someone goes throught the enemy team, dies, and then he stays AFK, not realeasing spirit.
Its getting boring to play stuffs like that. I hope Blizz fixes this soon, applying a huge kind of punishment for those who do things like that.
I have a name of the last man that did it: Mad-Drakkari.
I dont know if you guys have a way to look back at the logs, but if you do, please check his game and give him what he deserves.
If you are AFK in a random match thats ok, maybe you joined and something happened, but in a rated one, common, you must be a really a**hole doing that to your team.
NOTE: it happens at least once every 3 battles.
Well first you can’t put players names on the forums or you get banned.
Secondly ive played like 200 blitz games. I have seen one single afk player. So I doubt it’s 1 in 3 games. Or are you raging at the player so they give up?
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I don’t agree with being afk in either rated or normal unless you joined the losing team and the game is like 20 seconds from being over, best thing to do is to report the afk peeps and with enough reports blizz should take action
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Could be a win trader/ duo boxer. Could be someone whos kids just over flowed a bath tub or something lol!
Man i wish icould create a topica here. Since Blizzard is trying to help solo players, they really should introduce daily solo objectives to farm conquest…like gaining 5k honor per day to get 100 conquest, idk, simple objectives that put you in pvp queues… that would be awesome. Im tired to farm im solo blitz
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Not at all, I dont have any reason to rage anyone. thats why report channel exists, but when it starts to being a commom behavior during rated battles, I need to come over here to share with more people about the topic.
About the games, I always try to communicate properly, ask people about whos carrying flag, whos gonna defend and so on. Unfortanelly poeple arent used to answer, but thats ok, maybe none wanna talk about strategy and just try to win games doing their best.
But, when you go AFK during the first team fight, thats probably a trolling guy doing his trolling stuffs and that should not happen, mainly in a rated battle. Since it should not happen, blizzard should punish this kind of player.
About recurrence, maybe youre a lucky guy that is not facing this problem so often, I envy you if thats the cenario, lol.